
Published by smmmadden on
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GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
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Supported Minecraft versions

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Gravels (29): Amethyst, Arkansas Antimony, Arsenopyrite, Asbestos, Brazilian Citrine, Chalcanthite, Chalcopyrite, Cinnabar, Cobalt, Coloradoite, Copper Mineral, Copper Mineral Green, Dark Emerald, Galena, Hutchinsonite, Iron Red, Jasper Red, Jasper Yellow, Magnesium, Malachite, Natural Blue Zircon, Orichalcum, Orpiment, Painite, Sapphire Blue Granite, Scheelite, Siderite, Silver Raw, Silver Polished, Stibnite, Torbernite

Salt Blocks (3): Black Hawaiian Salt, Himalayan Pink Salt, White Table Salt

Powered Blocks (3): Chalcopyrite, Malachite, Painite & Scheelite

Beacon Powered Block (1): Malachite







Amethyst - all biomes - Levels: -20 - 45
Arkansas Antimony - overworld - Levels: -20 - 64
Arsenopyrite - overworld - Levels: 60 - 70
Asbestos - overworld - Levels: 1 - 50
Black Salt - overworld - Levels: 15 - 40
Brazillian Citrine - overworld - Levels: 1 - 50
Chalcanthite - overworld - Levels: -25 - 46
Chalcopyrite - overworld Levels: -25 - 79
Cinnabar - overworld - Levels: -30 - 45
Cobalt - overworld - Levels: -15 - 25
Coloradoite - overworld - Levels: -15 - 25
Copper Mineral - overworld - Levels: 1 - 100
Copper Mineral Green - overworld - Levels: 1 - 100
Dark Emerald - overworld - Levels: 1 - 50
Galena - overworld - Levels: 1 - 60
Himalayan Pink Salt - overworld - Levels: 1 - 150
Hutchinsonite - overworld - Levels: 10 - 30
Iron Red - overworld - Levels: 1 - 50
Jasper Red - all biomes - Levels: 1 - 50
Jasper Yellow - overworld - Levels: 1 - 64
Magnesium - overworld - Levels: 1 - 64
Malachite - overworld - Levels: 50 - 180
Natural Blue Zircon - overworld - Levels: 1 - 70
Orichalcum - smaller_extreme_hills, snowy mountains, mutated_taiga_cold, mutated_taiga - Levels: 75 - 150
Orpiment - Dripstone Caves, Lush Caves, smaller_extreme_hills - Levels: 10 - 50
Painite - all biomes - Levels: 1 - 50
Saphire Blue Granite - overworld - Levels: 5 - 75
Scheelite - overworld - Levels: 50 - 110
Siderite - overworld - Levels: 25 - 55
Silver Raw - Nether - Levels: 0 - 128
Stibnite - overworld - Levels: 25 - 55
Torbernite - overworld - Levels: 25 - 55
White Table Salt - overworld - Levels: 1 - 50


Powders (3): Cinnabar, Cobalt & Orpiment



Coins: Gold, Silver Polished


Ores (29) and can be used as Fuel in furnaces: Amethyst, Arkansas Antimony, Arsenopyrite, Asbestos, Brazilian Citrine, Chalcanthite, Chalcopyrite, Cinnabar, Cobalt, Coloradoite, Copper Mineral, Copper Mineral Green, Dark Emerald, Galena, Hutchinsonite, Iron Red, Jasper Red, Jasper Yellow, Magnesium, Malachite, Natural Blue Zircon, Orichalcum, Orpiment, Painite, Sapphire Blue Granite, Scheelite, Siderite, Stibnite, Torbernite


Ingots (29): Amethyst, Arkansas Antimony, Arsenopyrite, Asbestos, Brazilian Citrine, Chalcanthite, Chalcopyrite, Cinnabar, Cobalt, Coloradoite, Copper Mineral, Copper Mineral Green, Dark Emerald, Galena, Hutchinsonite, Iron Red, Jasper Red, Jasper Yellow, Magnesium, Malachite, Natural Blue Zircon, Orichalcum, Orpiment, Painite, Sapphire Blue Granite, Scheelite, Siderite, Silver Polished, Stibnite, Torbernite


Nuggets (1): Torbernite, Silver Polished


Armor (29) - (Leather, Iron, Chainmail, Ores)

Leather: Blood Red, Cocoa Brown, Cool Blue, Navy Blue, Neon Green, Pastel, Purple, Neon Yellow

Iron: Blood Red, Cocoa Brown, Cool Blue, Navy Blue, Neon Green, Pastel, Purple, Neon Yellow

Chainmail: Blood Red, Cocoa Brown, Cool Blue, Navy Blue, Neon Green, Pastel, Purple, Neon Yellow, Vanilla Chainmail

Ores: Chalcopyrite, Malachite, Painite, Scheelite

Horse Armor Recipes: Diamond, Gold, Iron, Leather


Tools (10): When crafted, they will allow have enchantments added

PickAxes (5): Chalcopyrite PickAxe, Malachite PickAxe, Painite PickAxe, Scheelite PickAxe, Destroyer PickAxe

Swords (4): Chalcopyrite Sword, Malachite Sword, Painite Sword, Scheelite Sword

Bows (1): Abaddon The Destroyer Bow


Potions (2): Arsenic Poison (and Antidote), Cinnabar Poison (and Antidote)


Entities (4): Mystic Creeper, Rusty Creeper, Shady Creeper and Sneaky Creeper (invisible)

Includes rotten flesh (real life), salted flesh (for smokers) and dried flesh which is crafted into Leather


Salt (3): Black Hawaiian Salt, Himalayan Pink Salt, White Table Salt

Food (1): Bacon Strips

Shakers (3): Black Hawaiian Salt Shaker, HImalayan Pink Salt Shaker, White Table Salt Shaker


Paintings (123)

16x16 (17)

32x16 (6)

32x32 (31)

48x32 (1)

64x32 (6)

64x64 (19)

96x32 (1)

128x32 (1)

128x64 (21)

128x128 (18)

256x256 (2)


Trading with Vanilla Villagers (10)

Amorer - Takes Dark Emerald, Diamond, Scheelite Ore, Chalcopyrite Ore and Iron Ingot

Butcher - Takes Bacon Strips and Dried Flesh

Cleric - Takes Emeralds, Cobalt Ore, Cinnabar Ore, Orpiment Ore and Torbernite Ore

Farmers - Takes Emeralds, Potatoes and Raw Pork Chops

Fletcher - Takes Emeralds

Leather Worker - Takes Leather

Mason - Takes Emerald Ores and Dark Emerald Ores

Toolsmith - Takes Malachite Ore, Chalcopyrite Ore, Scheelite Ore, Painite Ore and Torbernite Ore

Wandering Trader - Takes Emeralds

Weaponsmith - Takes Malachite Ingot, Chalcopyrite Ingot, Diamond and Painite Ingots


Free Farms: Carrots (27), Potatoes (25), Beets (27), Wheat (9) - Biomes: Meadows, Plains

- Plants: 10x9

- Structure: 12x11

- Command: /locate structure tmtmcoresandmore:free_farm

Smelter Station (semi-automated, just add items/fuel to chests) - Biomes: Plains, Desert

- Contents: 3 chests, 3 hoppers, 1 furnace, 3 signs, 63 Chalcopyrite Ore (in Furnace), 2 Charcoal (in Chest)

- Structure: 3 long, 5 high, 1 wide

- Command: /locate structure tmtmcoresandmore:smelter_station


Commands (5): /oreshelp, /findrusty, /findshady, /findsneaky, /findmystic


File Location: /{minecraft world}/config/oresandmoreconfig.json

Command Options: ALL - all players, OPS - Level 4 Ops Only


  "enable_welcome_message": false,

  "welcome_message": "Welcome to our server ",

  "enable_player_join": false,

  "enable_commands": true,

  "command_oreshelp": "OPS",

  "command_findrusty": "OPS",

  "command_findshady": "OPS",

  "command_findmystic": "OPS",

  "command_findsneaky": "OPS"


 goals and challenges


- Additional XP points/levels when using Chalcopyrite, Malachite, Painite, Scheelite and The Destroyer Pick Axes on TmTmc Blocks

- Find/Break all blocks - bonus 50 XP Levels

- Craft all TmTmc Ores - bonus 50 XP Levels

- Smelt all TmTmc Blocks for TmTmc Ingots - bonus 50 XP Levels


Challenges (Malachite, Chalcopyrite, Painite, Scheelite & Destroyer Pick Axe Level 1)

- Find Malachite Block, Craft Malachite Ore, Smelt Malachite Block to Ingot, Craft Malachite Helmet, Chestplate, Leggins & Boots - bonus 10 XP Levels & Receive Malachite Sword & Pick Axe

- Find Chalcopyrite Block, Craft Chalcopyrite Ore, Smelt Chalcopyrite Block to Ingot, Craft Malachite Helmet, Chestplate, Leggins & Boots - bonus 10 XP Levels & Receive Chalcopyrite Sword & Pick Axe

- Find Painite Block, Craft Painite Ore, Smelt Painite Block to Ingot, Craft Painite Helmet, Chestplate, Leggins & Boots - bonus 10 XP Levels & Receive Painite Sword & Pick Axe

- Find Scheelite Block, Craft Scheelite Ore, Smelt Scheelite Block to Ingot, Craft Scheelite Helmet, Chestplate, Leggins & Boots - bonus 10 XP Levels & Receive Scheelite Sword & Pick Axe

- Find/Break all Blocks with the Destroyer Pick Axe and Receive 50 XP Levels!
- Find Silver Raw Block, Brush it to create Silver Polished Block, Smelt it for Ingot, craft Ingot to Nuggets and then create Silver Polished Coin from 4 Nuggets & 1 Emerald.  Create Gold Coin from 4 nuggets & 1 Emerald.

- Just completing the Goals and Challenges alone will reap over 280 XP Levels!


Achievements / Advancements for TmTmc Blocks and TmTmc Items

- XP Points and new Leveling System (For all blocks, Ores, Ingots and Salt Shakers)

- XP Bonus points for breaking like blocks with TmTmc PickAxes

- Enchantments added for each TmTmc PickAxes and TmTmc Swords upon crafting them

 resource packs

TmTmc-ResourcePack: Want to get HD images for all the blocks, items, etc, then add this ResourcePack. Supports HD Image of Blocks, Ingots, Ores, salt shakers and Bacon Strips. The same Resource/Texture Pack supports all released TmTmc Mods (TmTmc-Gravels, TmTmc-OresAndMore & TmTmc-ServerBasics). Also includes HD Textures for Coarse Dirt, Cobblestone, Dirt, Mossy Cobblestone, and Stone


For crafting and smelting recipes, we recommend using JEI as it provides all the recipes when you click on a block/item. 


This mod is made with MCreator mod maker. If you want to make a mod too, check their website 

Author/Owner: smmmadden

Maps/Worlds Tested: Single Player and MultiPlayer Server

Mod (some) Compatibility: Better Title Screen, BetterF3, Cycle Paintings, JEI, MineColonies, Portable Mobs, TmTmc-Gravels, TmTmc-ServerBasics


Our other Projects

TmTmc-ServerBasics is available for Forge 1.18.2, 1.19.2, 1.19.4 & 1.20.1

TmTmc-Gravels is available for Forge 1.18.2, 1.19.2, 1.19.4 & 1.20.1

TmTmc-ResourcePack is available for Forge 1.18.2, 1.19.2, 1.19.4 & 1.20.1





Minecraft mod files
TmTmc-OresAndMore-1.0.24-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 04/22/2024 - 02:48   File size: 14.12 MB
TmTmc-OresAndMore-1.0.30-neoforge-1.20.4.jar Uploaded on: 06/12/2024 - 10:32   File size: 14.31 MB

06/12/2024 - Updated for NeoForge 1.20.4 and added additional features (Currency)

04/21/2024 - Fixed issue with two removed recipes throwing errors in the logs (v1.0.24)

04/20/2024 - Updated to include JEI Information Tabs for all items in mod and updated/fixed recipes

Loads of updates and may be the last of the Forge Builds. Moving to NeoForge going forward starting with 1.20.4 which will be released soon.

JEI Integration - New JEI Information Tab added for the following:

  • All blocks
  • Abaddon The Destroyer Bow
  • Destroyer Pickaxe
  • Armors
  • Swords
  • Pickaxes
  • Rotten, Dried, Salted Flesh

Recipe Changes/Fixes

  • Malachite Pickaxe and Sword Anvil repairs
  • Scheelite Pickaxe and Sword Anvil repairs
  • Painite Pickaxe and Sword Anvil repairs
  • Chalcopyrite Pickaxe and Sword Anvil repairs
  • Destroyer Pickaxe Anvil repairs
  • Abaddon The Destroy Bow repairs
  • Cinnabar Poison - simplified and antidote removed (just use Milk)
  • Arsenic Poison - simplified and antidote removed (just use Milk)

Dependencies (Plugins): File Manager, Just enough recipes, Pehkui Scaling Procedures

02/23/2024 - Updated to include the latest version and description (1.20.1 - 1.0.21)

04/25/2020: Version 1.14.4-1.0.4

This update for Forge 1.14.4 Build 28.2.3 now includes additional features compiled using MCreator 2020-2.

  • 21 Ore Blocks
  • 17 Ores (Fueld)
  • 4 Powered Blocks
  • Beacon Powered Blocks using Malachite
  • 18 Ingots
  • 1 Nugget
  • 1 Bacon Strip
  • 3 Salt Shakers
  • 5 Pick Axes
  • 4 Swords
  • 4 Armor Suits
  • 21 New Colored Armor Suits (Leather, Chestplate & Iron)
  • 1 Abaddon The Destroyer Bow (Iron Bow w/450 uses and nearly 2x stronger than wood bow)
  • 3 Additional Zombie Flesh Textures (Real Rotten Flesh, Salted Rotten Flesh (for smokers) and Dried Flesh to make leather
  • 1 Leather Horse Armor added
  • 1 Vanilla Chainmail Armor craftable (finally)

02/28/2020: Version 1.14.4-001
This update for Forge 1.14.4 Build 28.1.117 includes all features from 1.0.12

02/09/2020: Version 1.0.12
This update for Forge 1.12.2 Build 2768 introduces new features for Dark Emerald Blocks.

Dark Emerald Changes For 1.12.2 Version: 1.0.12
    1. Breaking Dark Emerald Blocks no longer give Vanilla Emerald Ores in return by default
    2. Dark Emerald Block Enhancements
        a. Silk Touch Pick Axe will break the block and give you the Dark Emerald Block in return
        b. Fortune III Pick Axe drops 3 Vanilla Emerald Ores and 1 Dark Emerald Ore
        c. Fortune II Pick Axe drops 2 Vanilla Emerald Ores and 1 Dark Emerald Ore
        d. Fortune I Pick Axe drops 1 Vanilla Emerald Ore and 1 Dark Emerald Ore
        e. Looting III Pick Axe drops 1 Dark Emerald Ore PLUS a random number of Vanilla Emerald Ores (1-5)
        f. Looting II Pick Axe drops 1 Dark Emerald Ore
        g. Looting I Pick Axe drops 1 Dark Emerald Ore
        h. Breaking a Dark Emerald Block without Silk Touch Pick Axe will give you one Dark Emerald Ore
    3. Craft 9 Dark Emerald Ores and receive 6 Emerald Ores in exchange
    4. Crafting 5 Dark Emerald Blocks now provides 5 Dark Emerald Ores (one to one) instead of simply 1 Dark Emerald Ore.
    5. Smelting 1 Dark Emerald Ingot will provide 1 Dark Emerald Ore

Diamonds - Craft Ores to get diamond exchanges!
    1 Painite Ore, 1 Chalopyrite Ore, 1 Malachite Ore, 3 Hutchinsonite Ores, 1 Stibnite Ore, 1 Siderite Ore & 1 Dark Emerald Ores = 6 Vanilla Diamond Ores

10/16/2019: Version 1.0.11

Hi Everyone, this update is an Exchange/Trade Update.

I've added 6 new recipes to the mod to allow players to trade TmTmc Ores for Vanilla Minecraft Ores. Inside the jar file, there is a file called TmTmc-OresAndMore-Recipes-v1.0.11.txt with the 6 new recipes. 

Why exchange/trade TmTmc Ores for Vanilla Ores?  Any who has played Minecraft for a while knows that Diamonds and Emeralds are valuable but hard to locate.  If you've played on TangoTek's TekTopia Mod ( it becomes critical to get Emeralds to establish your villager communities.  Since our Ores are more plentiful and easier to locate, it made sense to provide a simple trading recipe to get more diamonds, emeralds, iron and coal.  The recipes are expensive and we're not making it easier to get these Vanilla Resources, but making it possible to get them faster than mining for them directly.

Note: TmTmc-OresAndMore and TmTmc-Gravels works nicely with TekTopia, but villagers will not interact with our resources at least not yet. :-)

4/15/2019: Version 1.0.9
- Built with MCreator v1.8.3
- Full change log is located here:

March 22 & 24, 2019: Version 1.0.7/1.0.8
- Built with MCreator v1.8.2
- Full change log is located here:

1/25/2019: Version 1.0.5
- Built with MCreator v1.8.1
- Full change log is located here:

8/31/2018: Version 1.0.4
- Now supports Multiplayer Servers and Single Players.
- Recipe and support for Crafting Armor for Horses
- Blocks placed for Ores And More set Redstone Power ON by default
- Blocks destroyed by Players, removes redstone power
- Blocks destroyed by Explosions (creeper, tnt, etc), removes redstone power
- For Multiplayer Servers, this mod needs to be in the Servers "mods folder" and Clients "mods folder".


6/08/2018: Update to Description to remove links as directed by content guidelines.  No changes to mod file itself.

Version 1.0.1

  • Created new textures based on real stones (similar in color composition/strengths)
  • Added Chalcopyrite, Painite, Malachite & Scheelite Blocks
  • Added Ingots for each block
  • Added Coal Ores for each block
  • Added Fuel for Coal Ores for each block
  • Enabled blocks to act as redstone (powered)
  • Added PickAxes for each block
  • Added recipes to craft PickAxes for each block with enchantments
  • Added Swords for each block
  • Added recipes to craft swords for each block with enchantments
  • Added Armor Textures based on real stones similar in color composition/strengths
  • Added recipes to craft Helmets, ChestPlates, Leggins & Boots) for each block - with enchantments
  • Added smelting recipes for each block
  • Added crafting recipes for each block
  • Added command for /modhelp and provide link to posted mod on curseforge (will include this site also, once approved in Version 1.0.2)

Up next:

  • Crafting recipes for Horse Armor (Iron, Gold & Diamond) based on upcoming Minecraft release
  • Recipe Book(s)
  • and many other surprises...

It was long over due to have the description and recent updates posted here. I do have other versions available, but wanted to make sure 1.20.1 is at least posted which has tons of features!

Version 1.0.4
- Now supports Multiplayer Servers and Single Players.
- Recipe and support for Crafting Armor for Horses
- Blocks placed for Ores And More set Redstone Power ON by default
- Blocks destroyed by Players, removes redstone power
- Blocks destroyed by Explosions (creeper, tnt, etc), removes redstone power
- For Multiplayer Servers, this mod needs to be in the Servers "mods folder" and Clients "mods folder".