Elementium (2024)

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Based on a project I started around 10(?) years ago, I present:


This mod adds all 118 chemical elements to Minecraft, in the form of ores, ingots (or ingot-equivalent items), blocks, tools, and armor for each element!

Each element behaves somewhat similarly to how it does in the real world, though with many simplifications and exaggerations. For example:

  • Wearing armor made of an alkali metal, like sodium, and entering water causes a large explosion!
  • Tools made of more durable elements, like tungsten, are more durable than weaker elements like sulfur.
  • Blocks (and tools and armor!) made of certain elements will melt under the right conditions, like cesium in the desert in daytime (but not nighttime!).
  • Tools made of heavier elements, like osmium, are more difficult to swing than lightweight ones, like beryllium
  • Radioactive elements can inflict debuffs on the player
  • Swimming in mercury causes a unique mercury poisoning debuff

Not all elements are obtainable in the normal overworld, so five different dimensions have been added to help obtain all elements:

  1. Polaria, a white land of snow and ice, holds ores for radon, chlorine, xenon, and krypton, as well as Ice V. It is accessible with a portal frame made out of dry ice, a new block found in freezing cold biomes in the overworld.
  2. Cryonica, a blue land filled with oceans of liquid oxygen, holds ores for argon, nitrogen, fluorine, and oxygen, as well as Ice XI. It is accessible with a portal frame made out of Ice V.
  3. Irda, an isolated tiny planet with very low gravity, holds ores for hydrogen (and deuterium and tritium, its two unusual isotopes), neon, and helium. It is accessible by going to the overworld and using the Irdan Blade (made of Ice XI) on a block of Ice XI.
  4. Radia, a vast radioactive landscape full of green-ish plant life, holds ores for elements 43, 61, 84, 85,  87-89, 91, and 93-100. It is accesible through a portal made of uranium blocks, harvested from ore in the overworld.
  5. Calvera, a magnetar, has absurdly powerful gravity and a magnetic field that will tear you to shreds if you don't wear special armor made from Calverium, harvested from the depths of Radia, and neodymium magnets. It holds elements 101-118, as well as ample neutronium (element zero!?!?). It is accessible with a portal made from blocks of Calverium.


Additional features include:

  • A few different alloys and ceramics with their own tools and/or armor sets.
  • A hidden dimension you really shouldn't go to.
  • The ability to combine various elemental ingots into one stronger one. These can also be combined to obtain Elementium, made from every elemental ingot.
  • A few more hidden things... (like a bomb, if you can make it right...)


Other things to note: Some ores cannot be smelted in a normal furnace. Gases, for example, must have their ores "permafrozen" by crafting them with four blocks that are of the right level of cooler, then smelted in a smoker. (Note: helium is a special case. Breaking its ore releases liquid helium, which must be picked up in a bucket, then crafted with an osmium weight to crush it into a solid.) 

Ores of specific elements, like ones with a high melting point, like tungsten, may only be smelted in a blast furnace as well. 

Additionally, highly radioactive ores may need to be stabilized before smelting. Some may be able to be smelted without stabilization, then have the ingots stabilized, but be careful! Unstabilized ingots of elements with short half-lives may detonate and destroy themselves in your inventory before you have a chance to stabilize them. Stabilization is done with magnetic stabilizer made from neodymium magnets made out of iron, boron, and, you guessed it, neodymium (found in rare earth ore).

Freezing buckets of liquid-at-around-room-temperature takes only one cooler item. Freezing the ores of gases requires four, as their coolers are generally abundant in their home dimensions.

Try right clicking with various tools (carefully!). Some have interesting effects.

Be advised that due to the large size of this mod, it may be more taxing on your computer than some other mods.


Additional information:

Cooler levels:

  1. Level one coolers freeze liquid-at-around-room-temperature elements in buckets to their block form. Ices, other frozen liquid ingots, and snow are examples.
  2. Level two coolers freeze the ores from Polaria. Dry ice and frozen Polarian ingots/bricks are examples.
  3. Level three coolers freeze the ores from Cryonica. Ice V is an example.
  4. Level four coolers freeze the ores from Irda (except helium, which must have its bucket crafted with an osmium weight to crush it). Ice XI is an example.


Being in Polaria gives you Freezing I; Cryonica gives you Freezing II; Irda, Freezing III; liquid oxygen, Freezing IV; liquid helium, Freezing VI. Each does progressively more damage. Having the Heated Up effect level of at least the Freezing level negates all damage. New armors provide this buff: Warm Leather, Heated Up I; Heated Leather, Heated Up II; Fire Infused, Heated Up III; and Blazing, Heated Up IV (liquid helium's freezing damage cannot be fully negated). They are crafted, respectively, with: leather armor and wool, leather armor and blaze rods, graphite armor and lava buckets, and Fire Infused armor and radium ingots.

Minecraft mod files
elementiumtwo-1.0.1-neoforge-1.20.4.jar - Elementium Mod 1.0.1 for Minecraft 1.20.4 (NeoForge) Uploaded on: 09/29/2024 - 00:02   File size: 18.34 MB
elementiumtwo-1.0.0-neoforge-1.20.4.jar - (OBSOLETE, DO NOT USE) Elementium Mod 1.0.0 for Minecraft 1.20.4 (NeoForge) Uploaded on: 09/26/2024 - 05:31   File size: 18.34 MB

1.0.0 - Initial release

1.0.1 - Fixed bug where Calverium Ingot was uncraftable due to it using the old smithing recipe. Now uses a crafting table. This bugfix is necessary to progress to Calvera in survival.