Issues after updating to 2024.1. Possibly plugins?

Started by jmods on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

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Issues after updating to 2024.1. Possibly plugins?
Wed, 04/17/2024 - 18:50 (edited)

This is the issue I am currently having after updating to the latest version of Mcreator, when trying to open the problematic procedures they're just blank even though they're full procedures it doesn't even show the green Event Trigger box. Would an outdated plugin cause this? 

I currently am waiting for updates on:

  • world_renderer
  • addtions
  • procedures plus
  • PEL

I was just wondering if this looks like something an outdated plugin would cause or if I'm wasting my time waiting and it could be something I can fix. I've tried:

  • Deleting the gradle cache folder
  • Deleting the entire gradle folder
  • Regenerate base mod files
  • Regenerate code and build
  • Removing outdated plugins
  • Removing ALL plugins


Edited by jmods on Wed, 04/17/2024 - 18:50
Active 1 month ago
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Huh. If you've gone over all…
Wed, 04/17/2024 - 20:08

Huh. If you've gone over all these steps, it's probably not corrupted or anything. I occasionally have similar problems with procedures not opening, though it's usually just for really complicated stuff that overloads the renderer. If you're still able to open the files when the code is locked, it's possible this is the case.

Active 5 hours ago
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Yeah I'm still able to open…
Wed, 04/17/2024 - 21:39

Yeah I'm still able to open the code for the procedures and everything is there. After speaking to Kleiders they mentioned Mcreator automatically backs up when updating so I've reverted back to 2023.4 and reverted all my plugins back but unfortunately the issue persists, I simply cannot view the procedures in the editing window HOWEVER the test game does now load and the procedures run absolutely fine in game, I just cant edit them. 

It is also giving my this error now when I try to open them:

"Unknown block type registry_item. Remove this block!"

I've used other mods items with blocks such as "Item in main hand = farmersdelight:iron_knife" etc. which is what flags up in the console as an error

"Unknown block type registry…
Thu, 04/18/2024 - 17:39

"Unknown block type registry_item. Remove this block!"

This is most likely caused by one of the plugins either removing this procedure block, or plugin failing to load and thus failing to provide this procedure block