Arky's Aesthetics

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Arky's Aesthetics is a vanilla style mod that adds a lot of quality-of-life vanilla mechanic upgrades and new vanilla style content


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List of content:

Vanilla mechanic upgrades:

Flower Pots can store more flowers now


Fast Composter, Bottles o' Enchanting and Cakes

Now you can shift + right click for:

- Place all items in hand to Composter at once until it gets full

- Throw all the Bottles o' Enchanting

- Eat all the Cake Pieces you need to reveal Hunger


Bone Meal for plants

Now Sugar Cane, Cactus, Lily Pads, Vines, and Nether Warts can be fertilized by Bone Meal


Piece of Cake

In vanilla Minecraft Cake block doesn't drop anything when broken. Now the Pieces of Cake will be dropped!


Soul Dust

Soul Dust can be crafted from Soul Soil and Soul Sand and oxidize any Copper Blocks!


Hidden vanilla paintings

Hidden Paintings that exist in game can be obtained now


Another content:

New decorative Wood Blocks

Now Stripped Wood Blocks can be carved by Shears to get Carved Wood blocks with mobs textures


Wood Bark Blocks are made of Bark that can be got when you strip the Wood

Bark types


New types of armor, Farlands Dagger, and Armor Stand With Arms

Now you can craft Armor Stand with Arms from Armor Stand and two Sticks



New types of Armor:

- Shulker Cap. It crafts from Diamond Helmet and 5 Shulker Shells. Grands you an Immunity to Levitation

- Studded Armor. It was planned to add into beta versions on Minecraft and now it's here! It can be crafted from Leather Armor, Iron Upgrade and Chains on the Smithing Table. Iron Upgrade can be bought from Armorer Villager

- Plate Armor. It was added into Minecraft in indev versions but was deleted later. It has upgraded texture and it's a mix with Plate Armor from Minecraft: Dungeons game. It adds Slowness Effect on the full set but has 30% chance to ignore any damage. This Armor can be got from Wandering Trader


Farlands Dagger.

New weapon that can be bought from Wandering Trader. It has only 4 Damage but very fast attack speed. When player right clicks with this it makes a dash forward.

There's a 4 new Enchantments for this weapon:

- Dash: has 3 levels. Increases dash distance. 

- Time Vortex: has 3 levels. Reduces cooldown of dash but reduces it's distance as well.

- Cutting Wave: allows you to make a dash in water or from water.

- Wind Swing: allows you to make another one dash in the air after first dash from the ground.



New material - Bismuth. This ore can be found in The End inside big Amethyst Clusters. 
You can craft a lot of things from this material include:
- Sword, Pickaxe, Axe, Hoe, Shears, Fishing Rod and Shield with extra durability.
- Bismuth Greatsword as an upgrade of a sword. 
Bismuth Upgrade can be found in the End Cities Chests.  
Also Bismuth Ingots can be used as Armor Trim Material.


Basin and Guardians Spikes
Basin is a new crafting station that can be used for untrimming armor. Place an armor and Crystalized Honey in it to remove trimming from it. 
Guardians and Elder Guardians can now drop their Spikes that can be used as a weapon or crafted into blocks. 
Elder Guardian Spikes can be mixed with some of food types in the basin to get it's effect. Effect of the food will be applied on enemy when attacked. 
Elder Guardian Spike Blocks can be used as trap and also can be mixed with foodstuffs by crafting or right-clicking.


Spiky Guardian Chestplate and Shield

Spiky Guardian Chestplate. Returns the damage to the enemy. Crafts from Smithing Template Aquatic Upgrade, Iron Chestplate and Guardian Spike on Smithing Table. Can be trimmed.
Spiky Guardian Shield. Returns the damage to the enemy when using. Crafts from Smithing Template Aquatic Upgrade, Shield and Guardian Spike on Smithing Table.
Smithing Teplate Aquatic Upgrade. Drops from Elder Guardian.


Redstone Bugs and Redstone Fire

Now Redstone Blocks can be ignited with Redstone Fire. Also a new types of decorations can be made with this type of flame. 
Redstone Fire and Redstone Campfire Blocks can apply a new effect called Bugging on the player. This effect can summon Redstone Bug mob with some chance. This bugs eating Redstone Wires when collides them and changing their textures. When they eat 5 wires they can spawn another Bug. 

Bug Armor Trim
New Bug Armor Trim can be dropped from Redstone Bugs with a rare chance.


New Fire Types and Blocks of it

Now Copper Blocks burns with green flame, Redstone Blocks with red and Bismuth Blocks with purple. And a lot of decorative blocks can be made of it.


Mechanical Casings

Mechanical Casings are new decorative and redstone blocks. They have a 5 variants: Emerald, Lapis, Diamond, Quartz and Amethyst. This materials can be inserted into blocks and emit redstone signal. 


New Flowers

- Rose was replaced with a Poppy in Minecraft.

- Blue Flower that looks like Blue Rose was in old versions of Minecraft: Pocket Edition and existed in place of Rose. 

- Pink Daisy and Buttercup it's a flowers from Minecraft: Earth game.

- Glow Torchflower. Now you can make a Torchflower glow by clicking with Glow Ink Sac on it.

- Moonflowers Vines. New plant for Sniffer. This concept was spoiled in the beggining of Sniffer's development but wasn't added to the game for some reason. 


More Flowers


Cherry Berry

Now Cherry frops real CHERRY


Mushroom Blocks Stripping

Now you can strip any Mushroom Blocks to get it's pore texture. If you right click on it with shift it will be stripped from all the sides.


New chains

Now chains can be crafted from Gold, Copper and Netherite


New Types of Lanterns

Lanterns can be made of Iron, Gold, Copper, Netherite and the new material called Bismuth and also contain any type of fires include the new ones.


Redstone Switch and Turned Off Blocks

New item called Redstone Switch can turn off some glowing blocks.


Echo Shard Trim Material

In development of 1.20 was planned to make an Echo Shard a Trim Material with animated trims. Unfortunately I can't make it animated.


New Trimming Materials

Now Armor Trims can be made of Obsidian, Blaze Powder, Dragon's Breath, Crying Obsidian, Soul Dust, Glowstone, Magma Creams, Ghast Tear and Prismarine Shard.


Scent Candles

Scent Candles are new blocks that adds an effects around in a 8 blocks radius. It has common Scent Candle without effects that can be crafted into Candles with the following effects: Night Vision, Speed III, Jump Boost III, Luck, Poison II, and Haste.


Fallen Leaves

Now the Leaves blocks can drop their leaf when broken. This leaves can be placed on the ground 4 times like a Pink Petals.


New Terracotta Block Types



- Bad Diet

Eat whole cake at once

For getting this advancement you need to have maximum 6 Hunger Level (3 Chiken Nuggets icons) and full block of Cake and eat it on Right Click.


- Oxidation On

Oxidize Copper Block by Soul Dust!


- Ad It Should Be

Make Torchflower Glow by clicking on it with Glow Ink Sac


- Canceled Flight

Get Shulker Cap


- Upgraded Gears

Get Studded Armor by upgrading Leather Armor with Iron Upgrade that can be bought from Armorer Villager and Chain on the Smithing Table


- Look I'm a Plate!

Buy all Plate Armor set (helmet and chestplate) from Wandering Trader


- Imported Goods

Buy Farland Dagger from Wandering Trader


- A Sword Made By A Master (Challenge. Grands you 100 points of Experience)

Get Farlands Dagger with all of it's Enchantments with max levels: Dash III, Time Vortex III, Cutting Wave, and Wind Swing


- Night Blossom

Get fully growth Moonflowers Vines


- Do You Feel It? 

Get any Scent Candle with Effect

Minecraft mod files
Arky's Aesthetics [v1.3.2] [Forge 1.20.1].jar Uploaded on: 01/12/2025 - 15:56   File size: 6.22 MB



- Now you can use more types of stones in crafts like Furnace craft of Stone Pickaxe craft.



- Spiky Guardian Chestplate. Returns the damage to the enemy. Crafts from Smithing Template Aquatic Upgrade, Iron Chestplate and Guardian Spike on Smithing Table. Can be trimmed.
- Spiky Guardian Shield. Returns the damage to the enemy when using. Crafts from Smithing Template Aquatic Upgrade, Shield and Guardian Spike on Smithing Table.
- Smithing Teplate Aquatic Upgrade. Drops from Elder Guardian. 
- Powder Snow Bucket craft. 
- TNT craft from Dynamite and Dynamite craft from TNT. 
- Advancements for eating Golden Cookie, eating Enchanted Golden Cookie, crafting Spiky Guardian Chestplate and Shield.
- Paper craft from any type of Bark.

- Smithing Template Bismuth Upgrade renamed as all the other Smithing Templates.

- Basalt Wall texture wasn't right.
- Some paintings can't be got.



This is the last global update of this mod. The reason why I doesn't want to update it more is because there's a lot of vanilla-style mods with the similar content so new updates will have only really unique content. I want to concentrate future updates on quality-of-life features as the feature that allows you to use all the items in hand for composter, cake or bottles o'enchanting at once. This is a really unique feature and if I have more such ideas I'll make them. Also you can send me yours ideas.

- Mechanical Casing. A decorative block that can be used for craft other casings. 
- Emerald, Lapis, Diamond, Quartz and Amethyst Casings. New decorative blocks. Crystals of the same material can be placed into them to emit redstone signal. Can be rotated as logs. Have a compatibility with Eternal Tales mod Casings. 
- New types of flowers: Yellow, Brown, Light Blue, Blue, Black and Purple Tulips, Alyssum Montanum, Armeria Caespitosa, Astilbe, Bermuda Grass, Blackthorn, Thornblossom, Bog Sedge, Calla, Chocolate Cosmos, Common Heather, Cottongrass, Fireweed, Flisotuan, Fynbos Hakea, Saxaul, Honey Fungus, Ledum, Lily Of The Keiskei, Sea Thrift, Siberian Squill, Soft Brome, Summer Pheasant's Eye, Sweet Potato, Water Pepper, Whiteweed, Wintergreen.
- New types of food: Sloe Jam, Sloe Gin, Sweet Potato, Baked Sweet Potato, Solyanka Soup, Tea, Cactus Jam, Sloe Cookie, Cherry Cookie, Cactus Cookie, Sweet Berry Cookie, Golden Cookie, Enchanted Golden Cookie. 
- Sloe Gin adds Regeneration II for 45 seconds.
- Golden Cookie adds Feeding I for 5 seconds, Enchanted Golden Cookie for 15 minutes.
- Feeding effect. Slowly regenerates food and saturation level of the player.
- Dynamite. New throwable weapon that deals a small explosion.
- Pepper Spice. New crafting material.

- Enchanted Golden Apple can be crafted from Golden Apple, 7 Blocks of Gold and Golden Ingot.

- Waxed Tube Coral Block had no drop. 
- Honeycombs wasn't spent when used on some Coral Blocks. 



- Now you can remove trim from armor if you right-click on Grinstone with armor in main hand and Crystalyzed Honey in off hand.
- Bamboo Leaf.
- Bamboo Leaves.
- New types of bricks: Granite, Diorite, Andesite, Calcite, Dripstone, Obsidian, Crying Obsidian, Netherrack, Basalt, Coal, Iron, Gold, Redsone, Emerald, Lapis Lazuli, Diamond, Netherite, Amethyst.
- New sets of block like stairs, slab and wall: Netherrack, Basalt, Polished Basalt, Smooth Basalt, Calcite, Dripstone, Obsidian, Crying Obsidian, End Stone, Sandstone, Red Sandstone.
- New blocks for Red Nether Bricks, Warped Nether Bricks, Red and Warped Hyphy Blackstone and Basalt Bricks, Chorussy End Stone and End Stone Bricks, Chiseled and Polished End Stone, Soul Sandstone.
- Bunch of Grass (Grass Block), Dead Grass (Dirt Path), Mycelium (Mycelium), Podzol (Podzol), Crimson (Crimson Nylium, Red Hyphy Bricks) and Warped Hyphae (Warped Nylium, Red Hyphy Bricks), Moss (Mossy Blocks) and Chorus (Chorussy Blocks). Can be obtained by right blicked on special bloks with Shears and placed back. 
- You can craft Bone Meal from 9 Bunch of Podzol, Wheat from 9 Bunch of Dead Grass and Moss Block from 9 Bunch of Moss.
- Pebbles from Cobblestone, Granite, Andesite, Diorite, Deepslate, Sandstone, Red Sandstone, Prismarine, Dark Prismarine, Netherrack, Soul Sandstone, Basalt, Blackstone, Gilded Blackstone, End Stone, Quartz, Calcite, Tuff, Dripstone, Obsidian, Crying Obsidian, Amethyst, Flint, all types of Terracotta and Concrete. 

I made trims by myself not by plugin and the problem only with item texture because of vanilla trim system. i should make custom models for all the items that can be trimmed with all the materials. I made models for vanilla items but i just can't add it for all the armors for all the mods.

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