The community vote for the MCreator x CurseForge ModJam 2024 is over and it is time to announce the winners. Let's see what you voted for in the article. Read on!
MCreator and CurseForge would like first of all again congratulate to all the contestants. We found many mods really awesome, not just from these 3, or the 5 voting candidates, but many other mods that participated. It was really fun trying out all the mods and seeing all the innovative and creative mechanics, models, concepts, and ideas that emerged. It really makes developing MCreator worth it when you see all the fascinating stuff created with it!
Without further ado, let's check out the MCreator x CurseForge ModJam 2024 winners.
🥇 1st Place: Realm RPG: Quests & Rewards
Realm RPG: Quests & Rewards was by far the most voted mod of the contest. The mod made by NoCube adds a system of repeatable quests, inspired by MMORPGs. When you explore the vast worlds of Minecraft, you can stumble upon new structures with NPSs inside. Talk to them to receive a procedurally generated quest. There are tons of pre-defined quests, but the amazing part of this mod is that one can in fact use JSON to define custom quests. Quests can range from tasks of delivery, crafting, hunting, fishing, training, building, and much more.
🥈 2nd Place: Protection Pixel
This steampunk-style mod made by JEDIGD is all about armor. Each part of the armor has different functions and attributes to help players adapt to the rich environment in Minecraft and fight in the way they excel and enjoy. At the same time, players can use the massive industrial system of the Create to synthesize, process, and strengthen their armor. Use special customized machines to customize armor beyond your imagination!
🥉 3rd Place: Steam Powered
This mod made by Acidpop adds Steampunk-styled machines, mobs, items, armor, and more. Explore new biomes like the wetlands, traverse them with unique vehicles, and uncover valuable resources. Generate Steam to power new steampunk-styled machines added by this mod. Build and utilize, you guessed it - steam-powered, cobots to automate tasks to enhance your base. You can drive around with steam-powered cars too!
With the announcement of the winners, this ModJam is ending. We are glad that there were so many awesome participants. The CurseForge team will reward the winners via the reward program.
During the contest, we had to disqualify some of the contestants because of rule violations. The most notable disqualification was The Quackening mod which made it to the top 5 voting before we discovered its development started before the ModJam was announced. Thanks to the community for letting us know about this. Therefore the selection for the winners was made only amongst the other 4 mods.
To wrap this up, we would like once more congratulate to all the ModJam participants, really awesome mods were made! Keep in mind all mods not in the top 5 selection are eligible for the MOTW, where MCreator's team will gladly promote them as usual via our social channels with showcases, on the website sidebar, and in the MCreator launcher screen.
I agree that Call of Yucutan will be a great mod, and I also allow you to make suggestions about my mod, but I cannot tolerate your discrimination against mods which depend on other mods. If my mod lacks originality due to its reliance on create, then I would like to ask, isn't Call of Yucutan based on Mayan civilization? And isn't the armor and plates load system in my mod designed by myself? Did I plagiarize armor models from other mods?
Excuse this previous statement, as I may've been a bit hypocritical with overlooking mods, as this does seem fitting of its place
( due to the mechanics, and it seems well polished imo. ) my main concern originally was regarding the fact the winners were effectively being payed for the creations, and the potential conflicts that could come off of that (imagine you create something like a independent game, and someone made something building on to it, but then got payed for it, and you got no funds off of it, you I would be a bit frustrated) but alas, it really dosent seem like create has much against add-ons to its mod, and it is simply that, a mod for a video game, not a independent project using copywritten assets (which further thinking, you cant exactly copyright color palettes) in short, I most definitely overthought most of this. Enjoy your prize. :)
Yep. But I completely disagree with you about the originality criteria. Certainly, I have seen mediocre add-ons that put 'Create' to the name to make themselves look special, while the add-on itself is bad. But in this case, it wasn't one of those add-ons that won the voting. Protection Pixel is one of the best add-ons I've seen, it has both new mechanics and nice visuals.
Firstly I didn't even hope to be in the top 5, as my mod doesn't look too beautiful or special, its small and is more interesting from a technical point of view for everyone who works on complex things in mcreator. I'm glad I was wrong and people really liked my effort on it.
Thank you all so much for the support, and congratz to other winners! I can directly hear the excited steam engines sounds nearby!!! Good job JEDIGD & Acidpop! :D
While I'm happy that my mod won, I still want to say a few things that struck me as odd and which I hope you'll take as feedback for future contests (if any).
1. Rules.
There were a lot of things in them that didn't seem quite right for the contest. I honestly don't understand why it's fine "use previously created assets". This rule looks like an incentive to pass off a pre-created project as something that was created for a competition.. It will be very good if you clearly indicate that the entire mod from start to finish, including assets, must be made for the competition.
"Custom code" rule felt very off too, since it's MCreator contest. However, I’m glad that at least a super-programmer who had been making the code for a long time did not appear here and did not add it to the new workspace during the competition, winning 1st place with his 'mcreator mod'.
I don't understand the code, but I am very curious about whether custom code can be detected from the mod file, and due to the objective limitations of mcreator, completely banning custom code may be beneficial for the competition but not for the development of the mod itself. Even in community tutorials, there are many tutorials on custom code.
I feel that you are very angry with a person who had made a goblin mod and I see that you cite him indirectly in your text but be lenient with him because he really likes what you do and you are just angry with him because he had misunderstood the rules and he apologized many times. He didn't do it on purpose so stop harassing him like that.
First of all, I'm not talking specifically about the goblin tyranny mod, I'm talking about all mods that have tried to break the rules, and there have been several. Secondly, I'm not harassing the author of this mod, but I'm not going to say nice things about him either. This person knew he was breaking the rules, and this was confirmed by his behavior and private messages to one of the members, but to the last he tried to deceive everyone. Even his apology was dishonest and he tried to look like a victim instead of telling the truth.
At least five people besides me have expressed their displeasure about this situation, and it's not hatred towards the author or anything like that, it's a natural reaction of any contestant who respects the rules.
So if you bring up this situation - yes, it was and will continue to be an example of how not to behave at a contest.
Dear Caillouxe/Paraste,
I'm writing to express my frustration with the toxic rumors you've been spreading. While I understand that you may have a different perspective, I wanted to share my side of the story.
1. I would like to clarify that in the comment from Nocube, he just praised goblins-tyranny, but clarified that it could not participate in the competition. There were other comments from 3-4 people, including me, who said that you can't participate. However, you deleted your mod page and all the evidence of this is in the comments. Nocube did not ask me to write to you. This is my own initiative based on my own thoughts and opinions. I planned to participate in the contest and followed it, but due to the fact that I was busy with another mod, I was unable to do so. Finally, I believe that everyone has the right to express their opinions.
2. As for "harassment", this is the third time I have faced such an accusation against me. I would like to clarify that I did not write anything (!!!) in private messages in Discord for paraste. They contacted me themselves (!!!), wrote offensive things, and then deleted their messages! Now they're telling everyone that I'm harassment them! It's incredible! I didn't even respond to their poisonous messages, such as "I understand how insulting it is that such a wonderful mod is participating in the competition, but I just used old assets and the administrator allowed me to do it ;)". The only thing I did after the organizers confirmed that goblins-tyranny would not be able to participate was to send a meme with a UNO card and screenshots of their deleted messages. That's all! I didn't publish or do anything else!
3. I absolutely do not remember goblin tyranny writing an apology. I just saw how nobly The Quackening acted and wrote a really wonderful post with sincere apologies, and I sincerely believe what he said. And all goblins-tyranny does is spread poisonous rumors and persecute those who dare to speak out against him.
Since I can't write this in one post (obnoxious character limit), please write a reply here (3 message) to avoid confusion.
2. No Theme
The lack of a theme led to several people trying to finish and upload previously unfinished projects in order to outdo the honest participants and grab money.
You should really consider about having a theme for the contest. My old suggestion about this has already disappeared as your previous threads been deleted, but I will briefly repeat it. The example with the ecology topic and too many similar mods is a bad example, this topic is small and uninteresting at all in terms of modding (yet Fruti_Two still managed to make an interesting thing for it). A short challenge with a strange and abstract theme can lead to a large number of unusual and creative mods (for example "2 Week Challenge to make the best Alien Mod") can lead to mods for Martian invasion, funny green men or even dimensions or biomes with amazing flora and fauna, similar to something Subnautica-like).
3. Timeline.
The contest lasted for a whole month, but many participants were unable to work for such a long time (due to being busy with irl, etc), so the gap in quantity and quality of content between them is very large. Maybe it will be a good idea to announce the contest much earlier, yet make it' duration overall shorter. The existance of theme will work with it well, since the theme will only be announced when modjam starts.
4. Participants
I was pleased to see the work of other participants. It was so interesting, after all, I had never participated in such competitions before.
But I find it very strange why among all the mods Call of Yucutan with their complex mechanics (like their Reflector-based mini puzzels), structures, boss battles and stunning design not ended up in top-5. I'm even sure this mod was able to earn first or second place, because of how good it is. Instead some mod like Aerlune, that feels more of a 'gallery of 3d models for the past years' took their place in top-5 (no hate to Auerlune author btw).
To be honest, there are too many good mods this year to say which one is the best, which is very subjective. I think arguing about this is meaningless, such as Call of Yucutan. I can clearly state the fatal flaw of this mod, which is that it uses the boss as one of its signature features. The boss battles in this mod are very dull and boring, and do not match its beautiful texture. And the values are extremely imbalanced. Of course, due to working time, this part may not have the opportunity to be polished. In short, I just want to say that there can never be absolute fairness in who is the ultimate winner. Otherwise, if it is really the best mod, why would someone still vote for other mods.
I hope it wasn't too tedious for you to read all of this. My goal is to give you feedback, share my thoughts with you to make the competitions even better!
I also want to say a big thank you to MCreator - the only and best program for creating real mods and its developer Klemen. You and everyone who helps MCreator made it possible for me to make my blocky dreams come true. And not to mention the CurseForge, the most comfortable Minecraft mod website in the whole world, which also made this contest possible, Thank You!
(I hope separate posts are not a problem, website has a small limit of allowed symbols per comment)
This was fun, and (congrats to the winners!) But it really feels like the voting system was a bit off... It really feels like many of the mods were overlooked (an example being Call of Yucatan) which as others have said, I am surprised it didn't get higher. and on the criteria of originality, is an add-on to an existing mod truly original? (don't get me wrong, it's still a great mod) as compared to other mods, an add-on to another mod feels like an odd choice for top three compared to the many other mods with completely unique concepts, mechanics, etc. it almost feels as if the main mods reviewed the most were uploaded first, or were dependent of download count.