Dengeki's Additions

Published by Dengeki on
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In development
Academic Free License v3.0
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Are you tired of mods that make Emerald gear overpowered? Or mods that add rubies? (well one of those things you're getting but hear me out) well, do I have the mod for you! This mod adds several features (and will probably add more features as it's still in development) I'm going to list down some features so you do not have to find out yourself!

Ores! (Eek!): Ruby spawns in the nether and is just a red diamond, BUT is immune to fire damage and can be used to craft netherite items much like diamonds, Sapphire also spawns in the nether and is just iron, but blue and a gem, and is also immune to fire, woah!, Citrine spawns in the overworld AND the nether, same as iron but has the durability of emerald gear, (yes ill get to emerald gear when I get to it.), Mythril spawns in the end and is a metal, so it has its raw ore, it can be used to upgrade gold to have slightly better durability, Topaz also spawns in the end and is completely useless as of now, don't worry it will get a use soon, Steel, while it's not really an ore I do not know where exactly Im gonna put this, it's just stronger iron, you upgrade iron with it, that's it. Smooth Amethyst, smelt an amethyst shard you get smooth amethyst which can be used to make amethyst tools and blocks (ill get there don't worry)

Gear!: Obsidian gear, in between diamond and netherite, so basically a poor mans netherite, Emerald gear, emerald is actually easy to get so it's between iron and diamond, Copper gear, copper is common so why not put it to use, and make it early game gear, it's in between chainmail/stone and iron, Amethyst gear, its just purple gold, that's all, nothing special, mostly for decoration.

Hammers!: They mine in a 3x3 area! Very useful if you want to mine multiple blocks at once. There's a hammer for every material.

Dyed Planks!: Now you can dye planks! Every dye gets a plank! And these planks have stairs and slabs!

Diorite, Andesite, and Granite Blocks!: Now they too have the same block variants as stone! And yes they have walls, stairs, and slabs.

Gold and Amethyst blocks!: Gold and Amethyst now have their own building blocks, for you know, building!

Fruit trees! Theres apple trees but also, orange, pear, peach, and lemon, and they have gold and enchanted variants!

Other things i'm too lazy to describe!: 3 new mobs! Cavang (spawns in caves), Scorpion (spawns in the desert), and Wildfire (this one is a boss, summon it like an iron golem but replace the iron blocks with blazing diamond blocks) Blazing Diamond, is used for blazing netherite armor, if you where all pieces you get fire resistance, More turtle armor pieces! The plate, kneepads, and turtle feet or shoes, wearing all these new pieces with the turtle shell gives you conduit power! and FINALLY, the grappling hook, kinda like an enderpearl but easy to get. 


Those are almost all the features! I'm not gonna mention the soul stuff cause that's not done yet and that's for a future update.

Geckolib is required! Also if you want to see all the crafting recipes use Just Enough Items!

Minecraft mod files
DengekisAdditionsVersion0.1.1.jar - The Second Version for 1.19.4 Uploaded on: 07/17/2023 - 15:03   File size: 1.1 MB

Changelog 0.1.1

Added new items: Copper, Mythril, and Steel Nuggets,  Iron Ring and Chainmail.

Added crafting recipes for  Enchanted Golden Apple, Totem of Undying, Steel Block, Saddles, All types of horse armor, Trident,  Bell, Elytra, Name tag, String, Cobweb, and sponge.

Changed Crafting Recipe for Chainmail Armor

Fixed bugged crafting recipes for certain blocks

Rearranged some items in the mods creative tabs and tweaked the icons

Gave Emerald Armor hero of the village effect when wearing a full set

Tweaked some of the mobs a tiny bit

Yo guys imma be remaking the mod because the files wont open and stuff, idk when imma get started or finished but just know i will be doing allat!

The new minor update is out! Just some bug fixes, a few tweaks, and some new items, that's all!

BTW, yes I'm aware there are some bugs that I will fix in the first update as that update will jut simply be a bug fix update! Do not worry! This is my first mod, I am not a master at mod-making!