Armor Stand's Custom Poses

Published by oimahaupei on
Upvotes: 21
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Academic Free License v3.0
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Supported Minecraft versions

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Tired of vanilla java armor stands? 

Jealous of bedrock edition armor stands?

Me too, so I fixed them.




To get started with this mod, you will first need to craft the Armor Stand Modifier.


Once you have it, just right click an armor stand. This will open an interface to modify its properties and pose.

Armor Stand Modifier GUI

Body part Rotation Buttons:

-Plus (+) = Adds the <number that you put in the textfield> rotation to the <body part you have chosen on the left side>

-Minus (-) = Rests  the <number that you put in the textfield> rotation to the <body part you have chosen on the left side>

-Set (=) = Sets the  <number that you put in the textfield> rotation to the <body part you have chosen on the left side>. If is negative it will be mirror that number (-90 will result in (360 - 90 = 270))

-Get default (↩️) = Sets in the textfield the current rotation value of the armor stand (IMPORTANT: NOT THE PREVIEW ARMOR STAND, THE REAL ARMOR STAND IN WORLD)



Exporting: 1º Put a name to file (can´t contain ".", "/", "\" or strange characters). 2º Press export button.

Importing: 1º Put the name of the file you want to import. 2º Press import button. 3º Press confirm button.

The files are .json stored in ".minecraft/ASCP_Saved". They are only saved in client, so you can export/import in different servers/worlds without problems.


Extra info: 

-The buttons at right of the export button are for chosing if exporting Pose and/or Armor Stand Rotation and/or States

-When importing, you will have to confirm operation with a confirm buttons that appears at right of the import button. It will also apply changes.



To enter in this interface, you have to press the Change Interface Button (indicated in First Interface image).


Plus (+) button = Add <number in textfield> rotation to the entire armor stand.

Minus (-) button = Rests <number in textfield> rotation to the entire armor stand.

Set (=) button = Sets <number in textfield> rotation to the entire armor stand.

Get (↩️) button = Sets in the textfield the old rotation of the real armor stand, for obtain new rotation, you have to apply changes in the First Interface.


IMPORTANT: In this Interface the changes are directly applied to the real armor stand.







This mod is currently for: 

Forge: 1.14.4, 1.16.5, 1.18.2, 1.19.2, 1.19.4, 1.20.1

NeoForge: 1.20.4

Im intended to update to next´s Forge and NeoForge versions when they release. And future updates with new features like player heads and animations (Im going to take a break so it will take long).

For MCreator page limit i can´t upload all version files, the rest of versions will be in the curseforge/modrinth page.
Link (CurseForge, modrinth).

Minecraft mod files
ASCP(R1.0.1)(1.19.4).jar Uploaded on: 07/15/2024 - 12:42   File size: 217.75 KB
ASCP(R1.0.1)(1.19.2).jar Uploaded on: 07/15/2024 - 12:42   File size: 216.01 KB
ASCP(R1.0.1)(1.18.2).jar Uploaded on: 07/15/2024 - 12:42   File size: 214.85 KB
ASCP(R1.1.1)[1.20.1].jar Uploaded on: 08/30/2024 - 13:11   File size: 271.63 KB
ASCP(R1.1.0)(NeoForge1.20.4).jar Uploaded on: 08/17/2024 - 10:10   File size: 316.87 KB

-R1.0.0 Released mod

-R1.0.1 Fixed critical dupe bug in servers and remade packet system.

-R 1.1.0 Added new movement interface, fixed wrong color in main interface Pose title.

-R 1.1.1 Fixed a bug that prevents from opening the GUI in multiplayer.

Hello oimahaupei,

I hope this message finds you well. We are in the process of establishing a Mod Developing Studio and would like to extend an invitation for you to join our team. Having reviewed your work, particularly on Armor Stand's Custom Poses, we believe your skills align well with our vision and goals.

Our team is focused on collaborative development, where each member can contribute their expertise while benefiting from increased visibility. By joining us, you would not only be working with other skilled professionals but also gaining exposure through our established presence on platforms like CurseForge. This is a great opportunity for you to grow your own brand while contributing to exciting projects.

If you're interested in discussing this opportunity further, we would be happy to arrange a time to speak in more detail. We look forward to potentially working together. (Discord to communicate: gertet)

Best regards,
Jenkimods and Tenderestbee174

I think this is an absolutely amazing idea, the fact that no one really has thought about it is really weird!
This mod deserves the title of MotW with respect.

You are really amazing! How do you make customized entity model (your armor stand) able to wear armor?

Hi! The armor stand isn´t a custom model, its the vanilla armor stand, if you think of that because of the arms, the arms are a hidden vanilla feature by a variable that this mod can access. So it works the same as a vanilla armor stand

Im intended to update to next´s Forge and NeoForge versions when they release. And future updates with new features like player heads and animations (Im going to take a break so it will take long).