South Park Mod

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In development
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This Mod is based on the TV Show South Park.

The Characters added in the game so far are Eric Cartman, Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, Butters Stotch, Randy Marsh, and Mr. Hankey.

All Characters currently spawn anywhere, and don't do much. They will attack those that attack them except butters.

Four pieces of clothing are added. They are Eric's, Kyle's, and Stan's Hat, and a Nazi Armband. 

The Three hats that are added can be crafted using the corresponding wool that the hats color is.

The two Foods added are Cheesy Poofs and Sugar Packets

Adds all 30 Chinpokomon with unique ways to aquire them all
- Roidrat
- Beetlebot
- Gunrilla
- Poodlesaurus
- Pterdaken
- Fetuswami
- Shoe
- Donkeytron
- Furrycat
- Stegmata
- Pengin
- Monkay
- Chu-Chu Nezumi
- Vamporko
- Gophermon
- Cosmonewt
- RabbiTech
- Sna-kat
- Accountafish
- gerbitoad
- Biebersaurus
- Fatdactyl
- Terribovine
- Fersnarf
- Roo-stor
- Velocirapstar
- Brocorri
- Lambtron
- Flowerpotamus
- Mouse-Tik 


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Minecraft mod files
south_park_mod-1.2_0.jar Uploaded on: 09/07/2024 - 04:05   File size: 1.47 MB