Upvotes: 1
Project status
In development
Supported Minecraft versions
Download my mods at
This mod has restrictions to the user if planning to publish it online.
Youtube video (review/gameplay)
- You may upload it IF (I) The Owner claim it is up to its standards
High quality gameplay/review
- Credits
- No squeakers
- 720p+ 30fps+
- Scripted and Organised.
- You may add it to modpack IF (I) The Owner claim it is up to its standards
- Mod creator must have publicity for its mods.
- Credits
You may NOT upload/mirror/modify mod files which (I) The Owner has created
Minecraft mod files - All my downloads are located on my website
Uploaded on: 09/13/2017 - 05:44 File size: 428 bytes
Hello JustGameIn ;D . I want to suggest you a new mod , obviously you can create one other mod or add something to your alredy existing mod. i think you can add more realistic material , or plant , or the paradise , like dimension or biome , or i dont know...something like the real world... well i hope you usesome of my "suggestion" in one of your mod ;D - SpaceMiners_444
@#11.1 and can you tell me how to make glass because i always wanted to make a more glass mod, but when ever i make glass and then place it its just black!