Mini Mob Trophy

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This mod allows the player to create mob trophies/plushie that create their sounds when right-clicked or redstone powered!

There's a trophies for most vanilla mobs, their variants, concept designs, unused, April Fools and even some spin-off mobs, and you can collect them all in survival!


You need to first craft the Trophy Table block with 4 emeralds, 4 planks and 1 crafting table:

Crafting recipe for the trophy table

Then you will need to collect the DNA of the mobs you want to craft trophies for using the DNA Collector: (Ver. 1.3.0. onward)

Right-click a mob to collect their DNA, and right-click a block to open up a menu showing which DNA you collected!

Finally put the recipe inside the Trophy Table and click the arrow to create trophies!

All trophies has a description for their required material and DNA, some more expensive than others, like the Blue Axolotl and Brown Panda.

Then, you can put them in any places in your minecraft world, to showcase them, put them in mini-biomes, whatever you want!


There are a lot of trophies for the player to collect!

They range from hard to collect ones like bosses and rare mobs, to beta and older versions of existing mobs, to mobs that are exclusive to Bedrock version!

Unused and Obscure Mobs

Speaking of beta and unused mobs, there are a bunch of trophies for them in the mod, each having their own recipe, ensuring you can craft every single one of them in survival mode!

Special Trophies

Not just unused variation of mobs in the game, there's also mobs from April Fools, Mob Votes and other unused or special mobs in some version of Minecraft, be sure to check out the Trello Page for update, recipe and gallery!

Spin-Offs Games

From 1.4.0 onward, trophies of mobs from spin-off Minecraft games have been added! All will only require vanilla mob's DNA and items to be crafted in the trophy table, most of them even have sounds directly ported from their original games when interacted!

Modification files
mini_mob_trophy-1.4.0-neoforge-1.21.4_0.jar - Mini Mob Trophy 1.4.0 (For Minecraft 1.21.4) Uploaded on: 02/08/2025 - 17:26   File size: 5.99 MB
mini_mob_trophy-1.3.4-neoforge-1.21.1.jar - Mini Mob Trophy 1.3.4 (For Minecraft 1.21.1) Uploaded on: 02/02/2025 - 13:12   File size: 5.97 MB
mini_mob_trophy-1.2.0-neoforge-1.21.1_2.jar - Mini Mob Trophy 1.2.0 (For Minecraft 1.21.1) Uploaded on: 10/14/2024 - 08:31   File size: 4.75 MB
mini_mob_trophy-1.1.0-neoforge-1.21.1.jar - Mini Mob Trophy 1.1.0 (For Minecraft 1.21.1) Uploaded on: 10/11/2024 - 16:27   File size: 4.18 MB
mini_mob_trophy-1.0.3-neoforge-1.20.6.jar - Mini Mob Trophy 1.0.3 (For Minecraft 1.20.6) Uploaded on: 02/02/2025 - 06:49   File size: 3.47 MB

1.4.0 (The Spin-Offs Update)

  • Update to Minecraft version 1.21.4
  • Added Recipe and DNA requirement to Creaking Trophy (32 Resin Clumps + 8 Creaking Hearts)
  • 41 New Trophies:
  • Chicken Variants (Warm, Cold)
  • Beekeeper NPC
  • Some Story Mode Mobs: Prison Zombie, Icy Spider, Giant Ghast, Prismarine Soldier, Magma Golem, Wither Storm
  • Some Earth Mobs: Muddy Pig, Horned Sheep, Wooly Cow, Fancy Chicken, Tropical Slime, Viler Witch, Bone Spider, Skeleton Wolf, Jumbo Rabbit, Jolly Llama, Furnace Golem
  • Some Dungeons Mobs: Key Golem, Diamond Key Golem, Baby Ghast, Whisperer, Wavewhisperer, Enchanter, Geomancer, Wraith, Redstone Golem, Fungus Thrower, Zombified Piglin Brute, Watchling, Squall Golem, Ancient Guardian, Arch-Illager
  • Some Legends Mobs: Badger, Build Allay, Cobblestone Golem, Big Beak, Brilliant Beetle, Ancient Hoglin
  • Fix Pufferfish Trophy hitbox being off center
  • Fix the bottom of Elder Guardian Trophy being off center
  • Swapped material order for Piglin Brute Trophy
  • Decrease require material for Sniffer, Ghast, all Villagers with Profession, Beta Wandering Trader and  NPC Trophy


  • Fix Old Nitwit Zombie Villager Trophy being uncraftable


  • The DNA Collector Main menu have been changed to look better no matter the font type
  • Reordered the Trophy Table and DNA Collector to be first in the Creative Menu
  • Fix Pony Pig Trophy not having the ctrl description
  • Fix Pillager Captain Trophy not having the updated recipe description


  • Fix Zombie Villager Trophy recipe overwriting everything


  • Fix Gray Horse DNA always showing up
  • The DNA Collector Menu have been cleaned up to look better

1.3.0 (The DNA Update)

  • Added DNA Collector, a new item require for trophy crafting
  • Right click the DNA Collector at a mob to collect their DNA, right click it at a block to look at the DNA you collected
  • Required DNA of different trophies is in their description when holding ctrl
  • 20 New Trophies:
  • Old Villagers (Old Librarian, Old Priest, Old Blacksmith, Old Butcher, Old Nitwit)
  • Old Zombie Villagers (Old Farmer, Old Librarian, Old Priest, Old Blacksmith, Old Butcher, Old Nitwit)
  • Panda Variants (Lazy, Worried, Playful, Aggressive, Weak)
  • Pig Variants (Warm, Cold)
  • Cow Variants (Warm, Cold)
  • All Zombie Villager Trophies' recipes material have been decreased, no longer require Villager Trophies
  • Decrease require material for Screaming Goat,  Turtle and Blue Axolotl Trophy
  • Increase require material for Breeze Trophy
  • Changed Trader Llama Trophy recipe to be same as other llamas
  • Shulker Trophy recipe now need more Shulker Shells, but require Popped Chorus Fruits instead of End Rods
  • Change Pillager Captain to require Ominous Bottle instead of Skull Banner Pattern
  • Some Trophies have been reordered in the Creative Menu
  • Fix Potato Chicken's recipe being uncraftable
  • Fix Plaguewhale Slab advancement not showing

1.2.0 (The "April Fools" Update)

  • 33 New Trophies:
  • Minecraft 2.0: Pony Pig, Horse Cow, Diamond Chicken, Redstone Bug, Friendly Wither
  • The Love and Hugs Update: Smiling Creeper, Love Golem
  • Minecraft 3D: Nerd Creeper
  • One Block At A Time: Mars Wolf
  • The Vote Update: Moon Cow, Ray Tracing
  • Poisonous Potato Update: Batato, Mega Spud, Poisonous Potato Zombie, Toxifin Slab, Plaguewhale Slab, Potato Rolled Up Armadillo, Potato Bee, Potato Bogged, Potato Chicken, Potato Cow, Potato Creeper, Potato Enderman, Potato Giant, Potato Husk, Potato Pig, Potato Sheep, Potato Skeleton, Potato Spider, Potato Stray, Potato Villager
  • Others: Eye-madillo, Herobrine
  • All trophies now play their sound when powered by redstone (before then, only Guardian and Elder Guardian has this feature)
  • Unique sound: Guardian, Elder Guardian, Toxifin Slab, Plaguewhale Slab, Chicken, Diamond Chicken, Potato Chicken, Pigman, All non-Angry or Armored Wolves, Warden, Invulnerable Wither
  • Default Skins trophy advancement are now ordered instead of all from Steve
  • Reduce Zombie Pigman, Piglin, Zombified Piglin and Piglin Brute's hitbox to reduce lag

1.1.0 (The "Unused" Update)

  • 26 New Trophies:
  • Unused and Mentioned Mobs: Rana, Steve Mob, Black Steve Mob, Beast Boy Mob, Red Dragon, Pigman Bodyguard, Firefly
  • Mob Vote: Barnacle, Great Hunger, Wildfire, Moobloom, Iceologer, Glare, Copper Golem, Rascal, Tuff Golem, Crab, Penguin
  • Biome Vote: Meerkat, Ostrich, Termite, Vulture
  • Chinese Popularity Vote: Alligator, Monkey, Deer, Baiji
  • Fixes Blaze Trophy consuming 32 Blaze Rods even if the require material is only 24
  • Change Bogged Trophy's sound to actually be Bogged's sound
  • Other minor fixes

1.0.6 (Bug fixes and minor changes)

  • Ranmed Bat Hanging Trophy and Old Bat Hanging Trophy to Hanging Bat Trophy and Old Hanging Bat Trophy respectively
  • Renamed Gold Armored Horse Trophy to Golden Armored Horse Trophy
  • Fix Sniffer Trophy's Tool Tip still using the old amount
  • Fix Old Zombie Villager Trophy's Tool Tip showing Swamp Zombie Villager Trophy's one instead

1.0.5 (Balancing Update)

  • Recipe require material reduced: Warden, Stalker, Hollowed, Iron Golem, Broken Iron Golem, Zoglin, Shulker, All Villager and Illager, Blaze, All Parrots, All Cats that require string, All Frogs and Tadpole, All Horses, Undead Horses, Donkey, Allay, Wisp, Vex, Old Vex, Wither, Agent, All Rabbit except Killer Bunny
  • Recipe change: Slime (Slime Blocks to Blue Orchid), Blaze (Nether Bricks Item to Nether Bricks Block)
  • Recipe require material increased: Sniffer
  • Fix Crowned Pig Trophy's Tool Tip to be back to "Technoblade Never Dies!"
  • Fix the fact that Wisp Trophy's recipe wasn't added, therefore uncraftable


  • Update to Minecraft version 1.21.1
  • Added Recipe to Breeze Trophy (24 Breeze Rods + 16 Chiseled Tuff)
  • Added Scientist NPC Trophy
  • Added Beta Wolf, Beta Wandering Trader and Beta Ender Dragon Trophy
  • Added PC Demo Cow Trophy
  • Reduce Skeleton, Stray, Bogged and Wither Skeleton Trophy's hitbox to reduce lag
  • Change Beta Spider's recipe from Brown Dye to Brown Mushroom as they used to drop them
  • Reduce amount of Turtle Scute needed for Turtle Trophy
  • Reduce amount of Bells needed for Nitwit Villager Trophy
  • Change Swamp Villager Trophy's particles
  • Change Wither, Invulnerable Wither and Ender Dragon Trophy's Advancement to challenge instead of task
  • Fixed Black Shulker Trophy and Gray Shulker Trophy Advancement not linking
  • A different Tool Tip system has been used, they now show up above the other descriptions


  • Added Phantom Familiar Trophy, older color variant of the Phantom
  • Added Old Enderman and Old Endermite Trophy
  • Added Pillager Captain and Ravager Jockey Trophies
  • Fixed a typo on the Ender Dragon Trophy


  • Added Armored Horses Trophies
  • Added Beta Spider and Invisible Spider Trophies
  • Added Wisp Trophy, an old version of Allay
  • Added Old Fish Trophy
  • Added Beta Pillager and Beta Drowned Trophies
  • Switch Elder Guardian and Guardian Trophies position in the creative menu


  • Added Old Zombie Villager Trophy.
  • Every trophy has its own advancement when collected.
  • Renamed Ghast Shooting Trophy to Shooting Ghast Trophy.

Hello DM_DarkMatter,

I hope this message finds you well. We are in the process of establishing a Mod Developing Studio and would like to extend an invitation for you to join our team. Having reviewed your work, particularly on Mini Mob Trophy, we believe your skills align well with our vision and goals.

Our team is focused on collaborative development, where each member can contribute their expertise while benefiting from increased visibility. By joining us, you would not only be working with other skilled professionals but also gaining exposure through our established presence on platforms like CurseForge. This is a great opportunity for you to grow your own brand while contributing to exciting projects.

If you're interested in discussing this opportunity further, we would be happy to arrange a time to speak in more detail. We look forward to potentially working together. (Discord to communicate: gertet)

Best regards,
Jenkimods and Tenderestbee174

Thank you for the offering, however I am not really interested in joining anyone's studio at the moment, I mostly work on my own pace and alone rather than with a team.
Again thanks for the offering, but I will have to decline for now

Wow! You can really tell you've put in a ton of work here. I had the idea to have an incredibly rare chance of a mob dropping a trophy of itself for my mod and have been putting it off cuz its too much work. Serious cudos to you!!

It looks really cool but was not available in a file type comparable with my laptop.