Topic category: Help with MCreator software
When I try to export my Forge 1-20.1 Mod from MCreator this error happens:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
- What went wrong:
Could not determine the dependencies of task ‘:compileJava’.
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ‘:compileClasspath’.
Failed to calculate the value of task ‘:compileJava’ property ‘javaCompiler’.
Cannot find a Java installation on your machine matching this tasks requirements: {languageVersion=17, vendor=any, implementation=vendor-specific} for WINDOWS on x86_64.
No matching toolchain could be found in the locally installed toolchains or the configured toolchain download repositories. Some toolchain resolvers had provisioning failures: foojay (Unable to download toolchain matching the requirements ({languageVersion=17, vendor=any, implementation=vendor-specific}) from ‘’, due to: Could not get resource ‘’.).
- Try:
Learn more about toolchain auto-detection at Toolchains for JVM projects.
Learn more about toolchain repositories at Toolchains for JVM projects.
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Run with --scan to get full insights.
Get more help at
I have Java installed, and I can download the file from the link
What can I do about it?
Regenerate the code