DinoHybrids 2.0

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Welcome to the All new, remade DinoHybrids, 2.0! I remade this mod with completely new creatures and features! I am making the creatures and models as I implement them in, right now there's a Trilobite, Mammoth, and Archelon! Check out my website every once in while, here's the link: http://eternalblitzgames.wix.com/dinohybrids2 I post teasers on there every once in a while for a new creature in the upcoming update!

Minecraft mod files
DinoHybrids2_v.1.2.jar Uploaded on: 12/22/2016 - 19:16   File size: 286.34 KB
DinoHybrids2_v1.1.jar Uploaded on: 12/22/2016 - 19:16   File size: 75.96 KB

@# Great news! Majungasaurus has been FULLY added into the mod, I'm going to make the model and texture on friday night or saturday as well as the other 5 creatures I intend to add. 3 of the 6 new creatures are in fact dinosaurs and one of them is a primal, another is an insect, and the last is a hybrid, yes, the first hybrid, and you may be excited to hear, that this new hybrid is a hybrid involving Majungasaurus. The next update after this will skip to 1.5, as 1.4 will be a minor bug fix/improvement update and will be not be uploaded until 1.5.

@# I'm sorry, I modelled Majungasaurus and Cryolophosaurus, but neither want to work, so... the first dinosaur and hybrid will be in the next update :( this update will still have smilodon and arthropluera, and instead of majunga, cryo, carno, and triljunga, I'll add tons of new stuff from DinoHybrids 1.0, including the original methods of making DNA and Eggs, except Finalized and Completed! Yeah, sorry about Majunga, but I WILL make it happen, I just don't know how soon that might be... Sorry...

also i won't be commenting for a little bit. so you can update the mod in peace without having to reply. and you still don't have to :P

I wish i could edit my stuff. Cause i meant to say (I'm talking about the first carnivore "dinosaur". So this wont interfere with your current work.)

@#4 There are many dinosaurs planned, Majungasaurus IS one of them, I plan to use creatures that aren't that well known which will be the creatures coming in the 1.3 Update, which of course will feature the first dino's and I will plan on adding majunga in the next update! :D

@#4.1 Great. Can't Wait to see the Majungasaurus! It's My favorite carnivore. And don't worry. I'm not going to rush you. (If you don't know what I mean by "I wont rush you" I mean i'm not going to say something like this "MAKE THE NEXT UPDATE OR U WILL FACE THE WRATH OF ME!!!11!1!!!" lol. Anyways, Hope you finish the next update.)

Maybe you should add Majungasaurus First. it's a Awesome. But unkonwn dinosaur, (I'm talking about the carnivore dinosaur. So this wont interfere with your current work.) so maybe you should add it in so people who get this mod can see that dinosaur. But if you have another carnivore planned, You dont have to add this one. In fact. You dont have to add it at all. It's just a suggestion. Anyways, good luck on your mod!

@#3 Great news! Majungasaurus has been FULLY added into the mod, I'm going to make the model and texture on friday night or saturday as well as the other 5 creatures I intend to add. 3 of the 6 new creatures are in fact dinosaurs and one of them is a primal, another is an insect, and the last is a hybrid, yes, the first hybrid, and you may be excited to hear, that this new hybrid is a hybrid involving Majungasaurus. The next update after this will skip to 1.5, as 1.4 will be a minor bug fix/improvement update and will be not be uploaded until 1.5.

@#3 Great news! Majungasaurus has been FULLY added into the mod, I'm going to make the model and texture on friday night or saturday as well as the other 5 creatures I intend to add. 3 of the 6 new creatures are in fact dinosaurs and one of them is a primal, another is an insect, and the last is a hybrid, yes, the first hybrid, and you may be excited to hear, that this new hybrid is a hybrid involving Majungasaurus. The next update after this will skip to 1.5, as 1.4 will be a minor bug fix/improvement update and will be not be uploaded until 1.5.