Dragon Crystals Pack V1.0.5

Published by Zxa1 on
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This Mod as of this version (V1.0.5) The Current Items are as follows:


#Dragon Mountain no trees however covered in Dragon Mountain Blocks



#Skeletal dragon mob (peacfull spawns in Dragon Mountains biome)

#Dragon Worshipers (peacful spawn in Dragon Mountains Biome)

#Ghosts (Roam the world slow but string attack hostile mobs)

#Dragon Soldier (bit of a WIP however they spawn in dungens and spawners are very hostile)



#Dragon Crystals (from Smelting Blue Dragon Crystals Ore)

#Black Fire Crystal (from smelting Dragon Mountains Block, Waring there hot)

#Blue Dragon Diamond (From diamonds and dragon crystals

#Small Blue Dragon Crystal Sword (the first of the itterations)

#Blue Dragon Crystal Blade (used for makeing teir 2 and 3 dragon swords)

#Blue Dragon Crystals Sword (droped by dragon worshipers rarely and teir 2 of Blue Dragon Crystal Swords)

#Extended Dragon Crystal Sword (Tier 3 of Dragon Crysta Swords, spawns lighting when right clicked on block, Strongest sword in pack)

#Dragon Crystals tools (includes Axe, Pick and shovel)

#Black fire Dragon Sword (2nd Strongest sword in pack)

#Blue Dragon Crystal Apple

#Fire Dragon Armour set (Only current armour set but very strong)

#Enchanted Blue Dragon Crystal sword (Alternative to Extended Blue Dragon Crystal Sword with very high Enchantablility)

#Dragon blaster (Longrage cannon uses Dragon Crystals as fule)



#Blue Dragon Crystals Block (decorative)

#Blue Dragon Diamond Block (Used for Extended Dragon Crystal Sword Resipe)

#Blue Dragon Crystal Ore

#Dragon Mountain Block


Verion 1.0.6 is out! -https://mcreator.pylo.co/modification/39115/dragon-crystals-pack-v106

Ferther updates will be comming and for any sugestions please inform me, Thank you.

Minecraft mod files
dragon_crystals_pack_v1.0.5.jar - Dragons and Crystals what more do you want?? Uploaded on: 09/26/2017 - 17:30   File size: 209.6 KB

Version 1.0.6 is out! with a whole new dimension! (however 1.0.7 is coming out soon so il keep you all posted when that happens(mainly just bug fixes))