As the answer to multiple requests, we made a tutorial on how to create a fully operational custom crafting block using the MCreator's new procedure system.
This kind of tutorial was the most requested one since the release of the procedure system that allowed doing such modifications. In this video, you will learn how to:
- Create a block with its own inventory
- Implement your own crafting procedure
- Design a GUI for crafting-table-like blocks
- Open a GUI using the procedures
The modification introduces a new crafting-table-like block which can be used for fusing Redstone Dust, Diamonds and Gold with Iron Blocks. You put 1 iron block in the top left slot and one of the 3 materials to create Red Iron, Diamond Blocks or Gold Blocks.
The mod and its workspace file can be downloaded on the modification's page.
You can find some more examples and help with procedures on our procedure system reference wiki page. If you have any questions or recommendations, leave a comment in the comment section below. Stay tuned!
The progress bar can be replaced with a numerical display, we will support progress bars in the future too. Delays are not possible yet but will be added in the future updates. Right now, you can achieve delays using random possibility, but they will not have a fixed interval of duration.
I have a few questions that I always forgot to ask:
1- For custom mobs drop, can we just go to Mcreator\forge\src\main\resources\assets\minecraft and edit loot tables?
2- When making a recipe (by the recipe mod element) , you can choose to add a smelting or a crafting recipe. Can I add both of them? Can they have different outputs?
3- I tried to edit splashes by Mcreator\forge\src\[...] folder but it doesn't seem to work. Why? :(
1 - this could work. Custom mob drops can also be defined in mob creation wizard, more specific drops can be defined using procedure editor.
2 - Yes, you can add both of them, with different outputs.
3 - I am not sure but they might get ignored by Minecraft. Or there is another trick. I never tried doing this so someone else will have to give you a more correct answer to this question.
I followed this directory and I am curious as to how you define the loot tables? if your trying to change the drops from vanilla mobs then how do you connect the new drops to the mobs? Thanks Klemen and Raol. Also does changing the mobs drops cause any problems in the sense of legality cause? Before I would have assumed changing vanilla drops meant the coding as well, but I am not that naive now being older. hahha.
I've heard of loot tables only recently (well, while editing some textures i found a folder called "loot tables" and I opened it XD) so I don't know how do they work, I should look on the Minecraft Wiki. Anyway, I think that since loot tables are a folder inside minecraft assets, they work just like do textures and sounds do and they are completely legal, because if they weren't Mojang wouldn't have added them in the same folder where are stored textures and songs. I think that they were made for custom maps.
Klemen, can I ask you another question?
When making schematics, do we need to make them with Mcreator runclient or with minecraft? I mean, when using Mcreator runclient, the id of the blocks is TestEnvironmentMod:blockid, while when using minecraft with the exported mod, it's modname:blockid, so I don't know if Mcreator automatically turns TestEnvironmentMod into modname or not.
Sorry for bad English
MCreator automatically changes all strings of TestEnvironmentMod with the mod name when exporting. We will drop the TestEnvironmentMod system in MCreator 2.x.x and replace it so that the name of the mod will be set on the creation point of the workspace and will be consistent when developing and when exporting. This will solve many frustrations and hidden bugs.
You are going way too fast, seriously. PLS SLOW DOWN. I couldn't understand anything at all