Admin+ Mod (More Commands)

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This Mod adds More Commands for admins!


- Kit commands

- /explodes Levels!

Notice: Always type command like these or it won't work : /Nether or /NETHER = Not

                                                                                                        /nether = Yes

Switch Dimension :

- /nether - Teleport to Nether

- /end - Teleport to the end

Effects Commands :

- /nightvision - Gives night vision!

- /speed1- Low

 */speed2 - Medium

 */speed3 - High

 */speedx - Strong

- /jumpNo - Disable jump

- /levitate - Levitate at a certain speed during 1 minute or less!

- /resistance - Resist to all

- /power - One-shot all mobs with hand!

- /heal - Heal you

- /eat - Saturate you

- /fireresistance - Resist to fire!

- /waterbreath - Breath in Water!

- /glow - Make you glow like a bulb!

- /haste - Mine faster!

- /invisible - Be always invisible

Weather/Time :

- /day - Set day

- /night - Set night

- /wclear - Sunny day and Weather B-)

- /rain - Set Rain

- /thunder - Set thunderstorm

Others :

- /mobspawnyes - Allow mobs spawn Naturally

- /mobspawnno - Mobs don't spawn naturally

- /lightning - Strike lightning on you and destroy what's around!

- /explodemax - Made an explosion you (don't use near an important build)

*/explode1 - Small Boom

*/explode2 - Boom

*/explode3 - Boom

*/explode4 - Boom

*/explode5 - BOOM

- /easy - Set difficulty

 */normal - Set Difficulty

 */hard - Set difficulty

 */peace - Set difficulty

- /tpall - Teleport every players on the nearest player

- /killall - Kill all entities

- /commandblock - Give you the easier than /give

- /spawner - Give you a spawner easier than /give

- /barrier - Give you invisible block easier than /give

Kits :

- /pvpgear - Stuff Pvp

- /miner - Stuff Miner

- /farmer - Stuff Farmer

- /lumberjack - Wood Cutter Stuff

- /witch - Brewing Stuff

- /builder - Building Blocks (Mainly for creative)

- /fisherman - Fishing Stuff


Some of the commands already exist in Minecraft but this mods make the commands smaller than the normal ones

Example : /give @p command_block 1

The mod : /commandblock


I wish this mod help you in all your creative adventures :D !

Will be available in 1.13 too!


Thanks MCreator!


Minecraft mod files - Admin+ for 1.11.2 Uploaded on: 08/28/2018 - 14:57   File size: 151.21 KB - Uploaded on: 12/04/2018 - 08:01   File size: 247.84 KB

Kit Commands and Explodes Levels

/commandeasy Shows a GUI with some commands
/about Open a link to your account

/BOOM! - explodes with the power of 50 (and probably crashes Minecraft), this command is for when you want to ragequit with style

And /arrow gives you a stack of arrows. To deal with greifers!🤯

/killm - kills all mobs
/killi - kills all items
/killp - kills all players
/killo - kills other entity's
/killclosm - kills closest mob
/killclosi - kills closest item
/killclose - kills any closest entity expect player

those are my ideas. I would use most the