I created a lot of new achivements/advancements for my mod. I created some new "Advancement Tab", like the vanilla tab, Nether, or Nether, or Minecraft, etc, etc.
I then went into the test environment to see if I had done my things well, and I just do not know why, but I just have the first advancement of each of my new "Advancement Tabs". I did well that my progresses night after one, but I have the game, which does not want to display, and implement them in the game.
I would like you to fix this bug please.
I give you two-three pictures to show you that I really have my correct things.
Otherwise, I LOVE the new version of MCreator. Continue like this, I love you!
Issue comments
Is there a limit on the number of advancements you can have or something?
I'm having an issue where they work, but only up to a certain point. My first 21 advancements all work fine, and no task splits into more than 3 paths, but beyond the last one, they just won't trigger, even though I have tried changing them around and experimenting with different triggers, and dependencies on previous advancements. I don't know if its because I ran out of horizontal room in the advancement tab or what. I can't even seem to get the others to work by making them start their own new tab.
Do you trigger the achievements? If they are not triggered, they are not shown as the tree is build as you progress.
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