Disabling weather in custom dimensions

Issue description

Another bug :P

Sometime when I enter a custom dimension, It is raining in the Dimension and /weather clear don't work for it, Even if I return in Overworld and do /weather clear, it is still raining in the dimensions..., I still don't know the cause of this but am still analyzing it...

It don't happen much time but it happen!

Issue comments

The weather command most likely can't control custom dimensions. We can add an option to disable raining in custom dimensions though. I can change this to a feature request if this would fix your issue?

Raol, I thought that too. I will check in what cases it could still be present and fix such cases.

I have checked and the following methods inside WorldProvider class manage weather:

    public boolean canDoLightning(net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk chunk)
        return true;

    public boolean canDoRainSnowIce(net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk chunk)
        return true;

    public void calculateInitialWeather()

    public void updateWeather()