Topic category: Mod showcase and discussion
Yoooo everyone!
I've been making tons of forums about complicated (and specific) stuff, so I wanted to show off some of the stuff in the mod I'm making for a minecraft public server :)
Now all of this is in like deep deep alpha, I'm not even close to finishing the mod, I just wanted to show some of the epic stuff I've made :D
Full customizable items ^ currently with 14 different material types and 4 segments for each item there is a total 38,416 Combinations of sword and pickaxe (others will come)
each Item also has its own custom tool tip look, changing the background from its head and handle, and the lining via the guard/sides
(Thanks to legendary tool tips for the customizability) There is a smithing system like tinkers construct, using geckolib animations. I plan on soon swapping it to a block display entity instead of armor stands but I'll have to play around with that some more, BUT It will look really smooth and nice when I'm done!
here are some of the pickaxe variations ^
and finally the dungeon generation:
Since I started making this mod in 2023.4, the structure feature for generating dynamic structures wasn't a thing yet, so I made my own custom (and easier to use where I want) room generator, it doesn't matter what size the room is, all it needs is purpur slabs to act as door ways and a few(weeks of trial and error) commands to automatically generate dungeons.
Now the dungeon rooms do generate, but they run into each other and are like blind worms, so I need to polish this mechanic so that they generate beautifully, but for now, they look like this
This is a test dungeon ofc the real thing is a secret :)
If there is some interest in this mod Ill add a things I want to do list as a update, so tell me your thoughts!
I hope yall have enjoyed looking at the last 4 months of me being cringe lol.
Have a good day everyone! :D