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Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions
This build error shows up every time i run the client. I deleted the "caches" folder and soon after deleted the entire "gradle" folder but none of that worked. I tried building the workspace again and regenerating the code as well, but it still didn't solve my problem.
From my logic it looks like a folder is missing, i checked the caches folder, where said directory would be, and it wasn't there.
Here's the crash log:
Paste doesn't work.
Did you try rebooting PC in between deletes as suggested at
Yes, I did. I followed the steps very carefully to avoid making mistakes. This didn't solve much, as the error still appeared.
And sorry about the pastebin link. Here's the correct one:
Try deleting C:\\Users\\flame\\.mcreator\\gradle\\caches\\neoformruntime\\assets specifically
But that's the missing directory, I can't delete it. The error just showed up because of the absense of this directory.
Hmm. In this case something is preventing MCreator from writing there
I have exactly the same problem.I tried to create this missing folder manually and minecraft started, but the menu background was gray and missing all the sounds in the game.I tried exporting the mod, and outside of mcreator everything works fine
This is problem with gradle not being able to write there. This is either caused by antivirus, firewall, file system permissions or something else.
If you are not sure what is preventing MCreator from operating on your device, I may recommend trying on some other device
Looks like multiple people are having the same issue as what I posted in the issues space. I've turned off Defender Firewall and Antivirus and it still does not download the .mcreator/gradle/caches/neoformruntime/ folder. All the other folders are present (8.11.1, build-cache-1, jars-9, journal-1 and modules-2) so it isn't an issue with access to writing to the folder.
I had this same error, and I managed to fix it by finding the missing folder in my recycling bin from when I last deleted the caches, and just put it back in the current caches folder.
Obviously there's still the issue of mcreator not generating the folder for some reason, but if you haven't emptied your recycling bin this'll work.
I had the same problem. I deleted the “caches” folder and created a new workspace. MCreator itself downloaded the missing files.
I apologize if I have written something unclear. I wrote it through a translator.
I got this error too, for me, making new workspace fixed problem :)