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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
Me and a couple of my friends are attempting to recreate the mod in the video, 100 Youtubers VS Natural Disasters (with permission from the original dev, Vini2003), using MCreator 2024.4, however we am having a problem with coding and putting in the meteors into the game from the original mod. We're just looking for anything since nothing online has told us anything and nothing we've tried is working. So please help in any way you can!
Could you give precise information on what you would like to do, like what feature would you like to implement first.
Maybe have
For some reason I can't delete the above comment... Anyway, try making an invisible block that you place in the sky at the center of your map. Give it block entity and make it so that every couple of ticks on update tick (use get and set block number nbt to make a counter that everytime it reaches a specific number of ticks, it executes a procedure) it spawns a projectile with a meteorite model in a random x and z coordinate (like -50 to 50) away from the block. Then for added effect make the projectile have particles using its while projectile flying trigger, and also use the override vector procedure to make it fall sideways like they do in real life