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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
Me and a couple of my friends are attempting to recreate the mod in the video, 100 Youtubers VS Natural Disasters (with permission from the original dev, Vini2003), using MCreator 2024.4, however we am having a problem with coding and putting in the meteors into the game from the original mod. We're just looking for anything since nothing online has told us anything and nothing we've tried is working. So please help in any way you can!
Ah ok, I’ll try to test that.
I can't seem to get it to work. Whenever I try using this procedure all I get is this. Also, is there anyway to replace with more than one block? I can't seem to find a way to do that.
You can move it into the ground, by subtracting 1 from the "shape Y" in the "replace block" block. For multiple blocks you could add more of the "replace block" blocks and then decide between them by using the "random" math block.
I can't seem to figure out where to put the random math block to get it to work.…
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(Hope the Image works)
It did thanks!
But I can't seem to find a way to have it between two numbers (ex: If 0.50≤ Random 0,1 ≥ 0.25, then do replace block at shape X, Shape Y-1, Shape Z with block)
Why would you want it to be between two numbers. The way the "random" block works is, that it choses a random value between 1 and 0, so if you want a 10% chance for example, just check if the random value is below or equal to 0.1 (above or equal to 0.9 would also be 10%, but I think this is a bit weird). So there is no real reason to check if it's between two numbers, but if you still want to do that, you can just check both numbers and then connect them using the "and" logic block (ex: Random 0,1 ≤ 0.50 And Random ≥ 0.25).
I think it might be better for me to show you my problem.…
So what is the problem with that, it looks alright to me.
Whenever the meteor lands, it doesn't put any blocks. Only occasionally it places hot meteor blocks (the first one, the red one), so I think there's something wrong with the math.
You should put a "else" at the end of the block, so that even if nothing else is selected it still places something.