Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator
Here are some things I would like in an update
Things I would want to see in Items:
Fishable Items would be very cool, there could be an option to choose if the item is treasure, junk or just a fish and the percentage of catching the item.
I would like an option where you can colour the name of an item
Things I would want to see in Armor:
I would like to see the ''Maximal damage that armor absoves'' get removed because I realy don't get that option
There should be an option where you could decide how many uses does each part of an armor have
Other Things I would like to see:
You know at the end when your're making a block, Item, gun, armor etc... there's a recipe. But there's no shapeless option. I would realy like if a shapeless option would e added to every crafting menu.
Custom echantments and potions would be very cool.
So this wraps up my ideas for an Mcreator update
A colour option for items (or everything else too) would be lovable since it's boring adding in by hand everytime :P
About Maximal damage that armor absoves, if I can remember well, it's directly connected to the duration of the armor (or usage count) and even to the max damage you can receive without get an instakill (maybe?).
Custom enchantments and potions should already be in the list.
I'd add the possibility of a description option (like for items) for the same reason as the colour :P
I'm going to second fishable items because it fits in with a Harvest Moon mod I want to make!
I would like reduced (or eliminated) internet data usage (i'm on a limited data plan - it's the only option where I live). Maybe also fix the constant broken item textures?
Texture support for custom .obj models. and (maybe in a far future) support for multiple mc versions
For coloring items (I havnt tried this) you can probably do §(code) to get colored items, for example §5Diamond would make a diamond have purple text. But I dont know if this would work, as I only messed around with this in lang packs. To get the "§" try ALT + 2 + 1 on the numpad, or just copy it from this message. If it does turn out to work you can get all codes from
Hope I was helpful :P
Using this from the lang files should work...
These are the same codes for worlds,nbt editing and can be numerical or literal
Or you can just in Item#addInformation() use itemstack.setStackDisplayName(EnumChatFormatting.BLUE + I18n.format(this.getUnlocalizedName() + ".name"));
Name of each color is identical to the color names on the page mentioned by Optik.
And also, from 1.10 is EnumChatFormatting renamed to TextFormatting
You can do fishable items by making or editing loot tables.
@#8 And I also forgot, the "Maximal damage that armor absorves" option is actually the durability of armor, so they could rename it "Armor durability".
You can already do Shapeless Crafting, Leave the Item crafting to Empty and Make your Recipe using the Recipe GUI
how do you make an item in MCreator with a Loot Table? i need to make some items fishable, but i dont know how
We need more models (e.g Squid, Giant Zombie, Enderman) and AI bases.
Support, i want to make a mod with a custom Enderman, but Techne dont work for me
They should add that keep saturation thing for the armor ;(