Topic category: General discussion
So, I recently started using MCreator to try and make mods. So i start and make a account so that I can make mods. I learn how it works as well via the wiki. Of course, I haven't ever used Java, nor can I actually find a way to actually code with it. However, this fixes the issue of mine.
Skip about a day later. I am now trying to make my first block using MCreator. And I encounter that I can either make a mod texture using MCreator, or I can import one that I already made. So I make my own, and it's ready for use. Sadly, I try to import it in and what happens is:
Nothing. The texture didnt appear. The texture didn't appear anywhere execpt where it origonally was.
Funny enough, when I first did this, MCreator crashed somehow (is that a glitch?). Afterward, I tried again, and the good news was that it didn't crash. The bad news was that it didn't work at all.
I messed around with this for another half an hour just to see if this was something I did wrong. But nothing I did fixed it (again, is this a glitch/is Windows 7 trolling me?) Based on what you just heard, you could possibly guess that trying to make a texture to use didn't work either. Same issue. (Either second glitch in one day, only glitch in one day, third glitch in one day, or no glitches at all.)
So, now I'm wondering what actually happened. If any people try to give advice, I most likely will reply to say what happened afterward.
Try this:
Make sure to change 'MCreator171' to your version your using. For example if you are using the latest version 1.7.2 you would put 172
You should probably look up a tutorial to see if you are doing everything right.
dont forget about the version 1.7.3 that come want maybe there will be Glitch