RaolCraft Story

Started by RaolTheBest on

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RaolCraft Story
Wed, 10/16/2019 - 16:05 (edited)

WARNING: this is old and outdated. It was written with a weird grammar, so I decided to remake it: https://mcreator.net/forum/54057/story-raols-mods-october-2019

If you're brave enough, you can still read this one, but I've warned you!

This is the story of RaolTheBest (and not the Beast XD) and RaolCraft. All started... When? When my mod, RaolCraft, was released? Bad answer. All started 2-3 years before the release of RaolCraft. I was searching something for making mods for Minecraft, when I discovered MCreator. When I saw that for downloading MCreator there was adf.ly, I immediately decided to not download it, because I thinked that it was a virus (I didn't know what was adf.ly). Months later... I downloaded MCreator. I made some things, like the Celestial Ore, Ingot, Dimension, etc. I didn't know how to test my mod. Anyways, if I knew how to do it, my English wasn't ready for MCreator (I'm Italian and 2-3 years ago my English was worse than now)... Something like a year after... My friend sayed that he made a Poison Block (Blocco Velenoso in Italian) and that for testing the mod you need to touch the computer icon (in the early version of Mcreator the computer icon was the button for testing the mod). I tried to do that, and it worked. I made some elements, the Raolite, the Ruby, the Megadiamond, the Megadiamond Sword for 4 tiers. You can see these old textures in the RaolCraft 3 textures files. Then I decided to become a member of the MCreator Community . If I remember well, I became an user not for publishing my mod, but for reporting a bug XD. So I uploaded my first mod, RaolCraft. My first inspiration was MineWorld by Feplex. After an update, Mcreator stopped working and I needed to make a new mod, RaolCraft 2. RaolCraft 2 is my most downloaded mod: it has a big number of blocks, dimensions and mobs, but it's slow and bugged: after 1.4, normal worlds load quickly only with the best computer ever (by my computer it takes 30 minutes and you can't place/destroy any block). When 2.0 was released, my mod became mod of the week. This was the first mod that gave emerald gem to its creator. A day I made 3.0 and 3.1 and I didn't update the screenshot of the mod. In 3.2 I was making dusts, meteorites, infusers and fusions (I was inspired by the video of the 1.7.10 Mega Pack by Minecraft Universe). 3.2 was never released. My workspace became broken. So I didn't use Mcreator for months. A day, I updated the screenshot and RaolCraft 2 became mod of the week again. Then I decided to make a new mod: RaolCraft 3 (yes, I'm just a bit repetitive). I added the dusts, the infusers and lots of minerals. Then RaolCraft 3 became Mod of The Week. When it was my birthday, I added the Essences. Then my workspace became broken... Again. So I decided to never use Mcreator again, but the staff of MCreator helped me and I continued my mod. It happened again and for more than a month my mod was discontinued. I decided to make RaolCraft 4: 1.7.10 edition, but that mod became bad and it is discontinued. When the MCreator 2016 recap was uploaded, RaolCraft 3 was in the recap an now is in the MCreator logo. Later I fixed the workspace and I made the biggest update ever to my mod: 2.0, the first full release. When I was changing the image, my mod was flagged by the anti-spam system. It happened again and the screenshot of the mod was broken, so the Pylo Team placed the image of RaolCraft 2. My mod was flagged everytime that I edit my mod. My mod survived with an image of another mod, with the anti-spam problem, but it survived. (Now Klemen fixed the bug). Then I updated my mod to Minecraft 1.11.2 i fixed the mob bug but I also implemented lots of bugs XD. The most important thing is that my mod is alive and not discontinued. If you want to make a big mod, you need to never give up. The making of a mod is like Geometry Dash (what a bad metaphor): there are spikes. If you jump the spikes (the bugs), your mod will become bigger, but if they're too big, you need to restart. In fact, i restarted making my mod a lot of time. This story isn't finished: this story continues with the updates and the events. Thank to all you people that helped and inspired me and to Pylo Team, that saved my mod lots of times and because without MCreator my mod was never existed. Bye bye.

Edited by RaolTheBest on Wed, 10/16/2019 - 16:05
Very good and inspirational
Sun, 03/26/2017 - 18:39

Very good and inspirational write-up RaolTheBest! Your story with MCreator is indeed very interesting. I hope it will inspire other users to try and make mods with MCreator and not just basic ones, but try to make such a good mod as RaolCraft :)

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RE:Very good and inspirational
Sun, 03/26/2017 - 20:32

This surely inspires me

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@RaolTheBest Your origin…
Mon, 12/24/2018 - 16:15


Your origin story is actually pretty similar to mine. It is quite impressive, considering that you are probably one of the best MCreator modders out there now, which is why I have a proposition for you: How would you like to inherit Hodge-Podge II from me?

I know your main mod is RaolCraft Omega, so it is totally understandable if you don't want to take on another project, but frankly, I think you are the best candidate out there. Let me know what you think.


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Thanks for thinking of me…
Tue, 12/25/2018 - 09:33

Thanks for thinking of me.

It would be an honor for me being the successor of one of the best mods here. I will try to update both RaolCraft and Hodge-Podge.


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Wow, thank you. I really…
Tue, 12/25/2018 - 22:42

Wow, thank you. I really appreciate it. Send me an email at natethebrain@msn.com (just say "this is Raol" or something so I know it is you) and I will reply to it with the mcr and other mod-related stuff along with it.


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I sent the email
Wed, 12/26/2018 - 14:58

I sent the email

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I am having some issues with…
Sat, 12/29/2018 - 11:08

I am having some issues with my computer, so I haven't started working on the new version of Hodge-Podge yet (It will be called Hodge-Podge III).

Anyways, I will also release a legacy version that is like the last version of Hodge Podge II but uses procedures rather than events.

I will start working on the update as soon as possible.

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r u still updating dis?
Sat, 07/20/2019 - 14:24

r u still updating dis?

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This is very old, but after…
Sun, 07/21/2019 - 08:09

This is very old, but after the RaolCraft+Hodge-Podge Crossover Update I might open a new topic about this (with better grammar XD)

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Well now it's after the…
Thu, 10/10/2019 - 08:08

Well now it's after the update! XD

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Ok, means I will remake it…
Sun, 10/13/2019 - 18:47

Ok, means I will remake it as promised XD
