Ultima 2 Mod Update

Started by FunHD2 on

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Joined Jun 2019

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Ultima 2 Mod Update

As Ultima 2 Mod is nearing the end of the Infdev phase, many new items came too!

-Changed Textures: RubyPlant, RubaraAkorite, Tankerzombie.

-Item strength balanced.

-New Items:

Daggers, do less damage than swords, but are faster and require fewer resources.

Rubaraleaves, a custom block for the custom dimension, custom biome trees.

-New Entities:

Tankerzombie, more health than a normal zombie, and has a higher attack strength, and has higher XP gain.

Runnerzombie, less health than a normal zombie, and has a higher attack strength, it is way faster and has higher XP gain.


I will release the mod in either Alpha or Beta.


Also, I will make custom bosses soon. They will have custom models, as described in their name.