Help exporting mod

Started by gentijo on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

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Help exporting mod

Hi, first great product. I am new to MCreator and I am working with my Son, her has his Mod Workspace and I have mine. 

I am working on a Linux laptop, pop_os.  I can create a mod and it runs in my workspace just fine, but if I create a new workspace on my Linux laptop or try to run my mod on my sons laptop (older MBP), it fails to load saying that it can't find a variable. I have isolated this down to a very simple mod, it is based off a base sword and is just a new Item declaring a new texture.  Looked all over for the variable but it seems to be a different variable that has been obfuscated.  Here is my log output. I searched the fourm, followed one suggestion to clear the gradle cache but that did not work either. Actually I also tried to delete the gradle directory from the menu item, then after that it failed to build complaining about not being able to access the gradle.bin.gz.  This was in a prior run and is not in this output. 


the process I followed was, on the same computer, I build my mod, tested it in that workspace. I then created a new workspace, using the Tutorial workspace that I downloaded, and save my exported jar in the run/mod directory. Then tried to run the client from that workspace, the client starts to run then crashes before it gets to the first screen.  The following log was from the workspace where I copied my mod.jar to.

Log -

Java source for Item


Thank you



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Here is the mod jar that…
Mon, 11/22/2021 - 18:56

Here is the mod jar that only runs in the original workspace, if I export then add to mods directory of different workspace it fails to load and the workspace itself.…

How it fails for me. 

I can build and run my mod in it's workspace. 
I then export the mod, either for distribution or not, and include the Jar it produces in the run/mods directory of a different workspace. 
I then run the client in the other workspace, DadsJar appears to load then towards the end of initilization it crashes in an error in my jar file.
