Better Code Editor for Mcreator

Started by Legomatt28 on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

Last seen on 22:34, 11. Feb 2023
Joined Dec 2021

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Better Code Editor for Mcreator

I have finally learned enough java to start modding minecraft, and I immediately run into problems on eclipse, I switch to intellij, and other bits of code don't work there. I come back to mcreator, which I like, bc the community is nice. I make a basic event handler with code, then fix some problems. I make it more advanced, and run into errors because I have not imported certain stuff. Eclipse was nice, because it told me to import stuff, but mcreator automatically does it, but misses some imports. So what I am really trying to say is that could you please make it so that if you forget a semicolon or something it will show up on the editor, instead of having to run the game and see if everything compiles correctly. Also, could you make the import detector better.


Thanks. Also you guys are great. I never would have started modding without you guys helping me along the way.