How to install MCreator on macOS

Step 1: Downloading DMG

Download the latest MCreator Minecraft mod maker version for Mac and open the DMG image.

Step 2: Installing the app

Copy/drag the MCreator application and paste it into your desired location. In most cases, you should place the MCreator application in your Applications folder so it gets properly installed and added to the Launchpad.

Step 3: Launching the software

Click on the MCreator application to launch it. You may see a warning message that MCreator was downloaded from the internet.

Older MCreator versions

Older MCreator versions (before 2023.4) were not codesigned. If you see the following message:

MCreator Application Mac Warning

you need to add an application exception. In the Finder, locate the MCreator application (in the place you installed it in; don’t use Launchpad to do this. Launchpad doesn’t allow you to access the shortcut menu). Press the Control key, then click the app icon. Choose Open from the shortcut menu. Click Open. macOS will remember exceptions so you only need to do this once per install.


If you are looking for installation instructions for older releases, check MCreator's Wiki for the legacy installation procedure.