will add better image tomorrow
Kinda hard to kill but don't give the greatest reward, until now maybe.
Witches now have 4.5 more base health and 2 base armor points, and they sometimes spawn with some skeletons and very rarely a creeper.
But now they drop 2 magic dust. This is not affected by luck or looting.
Magic dust can also be randomly gotten from mining fully grown amethyst crystals but it's like a 1 in 3 chance and amethyst grows pretty slowly.
Magic dust can be made into a couple unique items, which are explained in the mod.
There are two new advancements and so far about 10 items. (I just now noticed how perfect that is.)
Also as a side mod/effect, snowballs apply a short freeze effect and if hit by enough in a short time. It will start doing freeze damage.
Everything should be craftable and I think it will work with JEI.
I try to make items as balanced as I think, but please give feedback in comments if you want.
Have fun!
Many other things that you can find out in game.
And requires Geckolib to work on version 1.4 which is another mod that you just have to download, heres the link
Biggest Update Yet!!!!!
Added -
Evoker Fangs
Gotten from evokers, used to craft a couple things.
Fang Dagger
Made with a stick, magic dust. fang.
Normal "sword" but faster and critical hits summon a fang under the guy you hit.
Fang Tome
Another tome made with a magic tome and 4 fangs.
Right click to throw out a fast fang.
Sneak+Right click to summon fangs in about a 30 block area under mobs. But its kinda inaccurate.
Sneak+Right click on the ground to summon a fang on the ground.
Enwithered Apple
A apple which will probably kill you when eaten.
Made with an apple and some wither dust.
Gives a new achievement.
Potion of Recall
yeah, you know it's the good old recall potion.
When drunk give it a few seconds and you'll be back home and given a new achievement.
Can be brewed or crafted with a enderpearl and magic dust. (magic dust is only for crafting)
Frost Giant
First Mob1!!11!!!
Spawns in cold biomes
Tanky but not like an iron golem
Drops blue ice
Has cool smash attack. Which is the reason this update took so long.
Tweaks -
Winged boots now have another ability
When shifting with them you will go high, but costs alot of durability
Also other things but i can't remember
Have Fun!!!
Remember Geckolib!