Cosas Add-on

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This is a mod that adds various things:

Block: Blue cobblestone: You can find it in caves rarely, or you can craft it with blue dye and cobblestone or you can craft it with 9 blue cobblestone dust

Block: Smooth blue cobblestone: Decorative block, you can craft it with blue cobblestone and stonecutter.

Block: Bricks of blue cobblestonee: Decorative block, you can craft it with blue cobblestone and stonecutter or you can craft it with four blue cobblestone bricks.

Block: Blue cobblestone light: Decorative block, it also makes light, you can craft it with blue cobblestone dust and prismarine cristals

Item: Dust of blue cobblestone: You can craft it with one block of blue cobblestone.

Item: Brick of blue cobblestone: You can craft it with smelting blue cobblestone dust.

Tool: Blue cobblestone sword: Sword that deal a lot of damage but is not have much resistance

Tool: Blue cobblestone knife: Sword that deal a lot of damage but is not have much resistance

Also you can craft the warden egg

Minecraft mod files Uploaded on: 12/29/2023 - 14:28   File size: 33.15 KB