Magical Gems

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This Mode adds special gems to the game. this gems gives you special effects. These Gems Are: Winter gem,Fire gem,Resistance gem,Rain gem,Rainbow gem,Lightning gem,Fortune gem,immortal gem,Nether gem, End gem, Surface gem,Explosion gem,Sun gem,Lunar gem,Experience gem and Flying gem.

Winter gem: if you right-click you will start to receive ice blocks. its crafted with the snow shard. Snow shards can be found in the ice biomes.(with ore form) and also you need empty gem. it can be found in every biome.

Fire gem: if you right-click you will get an fire resistance. Fire gems can be crafted with fire shard. Fire shards only be found in nether. (with ore form) and also you need advanced empty gem. you can gather restone with empty gem for advanced one.

Resistance gem: if you right-click you will get resistance. you need resistance shard to get it. you can craft resistance shard in crafting table.

Rain gem: if you right-click you will start rain. if you want to stop, just wait for end the effect. you need to find rain shard. these can be found in forest biome.(With ore form)

Rainbow gem: if you right-click, you will get too many effects. also you need to find an rainbow shard and rainbow shard part. you need to craft the rainbow shard. but you can found rainbow shard part in the rainbow lands (Special biome). 

Lightning gem: if you right-click, you can strike lightning.

Fortune gem: if you right-click, you can get the fortune effect. this effect starting produces diamond and netherite blocks.

immortal gem: if you right-click you will get infinite health.

Nether gem: if you right-click you will directly teleported in nether without portal. (WARNİNG: if you teleport, you will teleported into random place in nether.)

End gem: if you right-click you will directly teleported into end without portal.(WARNİNG: if you teleport,you will teleported random place in end.)

Surface gem: if you right-click you will be teleported into normal world. (WARNİNG:if you teleport, you will be teleported into random place in world.)

Explosion gem: if you right-click you will trigger explosion . and this explosion is bigger and stronger than a normal tnt.

Sun gem: if you right-click you will set daytime. (WARNİNG:if you use, all of your days in your world will be reseted.)

lunar gem:if you right-click you will set midnight.(WARNİNG:if you use, all of your days in your world will be reseted.)

Experience gem: if you right-click you will get special effect. this effect will start to give you levels.

Flying gem: if you right-click, you can fly like a creative in survival mod. (WARNİNG: if you use that in creative mod and if effect will be end, you cannot fly again in creative mode. You need to Reset your character for fly again. )

Minecraft mod files
magic_gems-1.0.2.jar Uploaded on: 03/02/2024 - 07:59   File size: 707.45 KB

v1.0.2 changelog:

--Added New Gems--

-Gamemode Gem

-Sponge Gem

-Teleport Gem

-Sunny Gem

-Arrow Gem

-Snowball Gem

-Mining Gem

-Ender Pearl Gem



-Added Mysterious Gem

-Added Gem Creating Station

-Added Gem Creating Station Recipes Book

-Added New Dimension

-Crafting Balances





v1.0.1 changelog:

Added new gems:

-Power Gem

-Gem of the Ocean

-Healing Gem

-Chaos Gem (Only Avaliable in Creative Mode.)

-Food Gem

-Fireball Gem

-Ender Dragon Fireball Gem

-Wither Skull Gem


-Added New Shards

-Added New Structure: Abandoned House

-Rainbow Shard no More Glowing

-Crafting Balances
