Simple Time Control

Published by RiRa on
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Control the time with a simple GUI using redstone

Open the GUI by pressing N (configurable)

Ever wanted to control time in Minecraft in survival? Just download this mod and go finding redstone. With this redstone, you should be able to control the time in several ways. Press N and insert the redstone you want to use. The redstone will be consumed, but you will have the possibility to slow down or speed up the time as well as pause the time whenever you want - except for players. Note: A time change caused by one player will affect the whole world. 






You have three options:


  • Slow down - 1 redstone per tick

  • Pause - 5 redstone

  • Speed up - 1 redstone per tick


You can speed up or slow down multiple times, resulting in stronger changes. While the default ticking speed in minecraft equals 20 ticks/second, you can slow down to a minimum of 10 ticks/second. The limit of speeding up is 40 ticks/second.

Changing this will affect mobs, blocks like TNT, projectiles and much more...



If you find any issues, please report them by using the CurseForge issue system or the comments section.

You are allowed to include this mod in your modpack.

Feel free to share your suggestions in the comments. <3


Minecraft mod files
time_control-1.0.0-neoforge-1.20.4.jar - Release Uploaded on: 06/25/2024 - 19:02   File size: 3.14 MB
