Periodic Craft

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This is Periodic Craft.. Or, Elemental Craft, or Chemistry Craft! I haven't completely settled on a name for it, but regardless, this is my project!

I've been working on it for maybe less or more than a year now. I had originally designed this mod to be a loving nod to the scientific community, and to even vaguely compete with the functionality of minecraft's own "Educational Version".

The purpose of this mod is to recreate the entire periodic table of elements in minecraft, with (nearly) every functioning process to convert where ever an individual element comes from, INTO that element..

Such processes include various forms of metallurgy! Mining, smelting, bathing in acid, hydrolysis, chlorination, and many more, all the way up to neutron bombardment! Every element can be created one way or another, and collected and converted into a specialized sample block, to be displayed for your very own collection, either physically stored for all to see, or privately stashed in a special display case.

This mod showcases. . .

- 35+ New ores to find, and discover how to process

- 40+ Specialized machine blocks used for various processes, from the Grinder, to the Acid Bath, to the Cryogenic Air Distillater!

- Various uses for most of the elements extracted, from tools, to alloys, to specialized devices, to weapons!

- Authentic compounds and reactions, showcasing the genuine process of each material as it goes through its transformation into a raw element!

- 11 New Villager Professions and generated buildings showcasing said villagers, whom all carry trades for the various new materials in the mod

- Fishing loot contains special "Crates" that can drop randomized loot of various materials. (I just did this part for fun, honestly, I like random fishing loot)

I personally alpha/beta tested the mod completely by myself, at least 3 times over, along the mod's development. I'm confident there is nothing that will cause crashes, but if there are any blatant bugs or glitches, please notify me of them.


I studied every single reaction and element to make this mod.. Old patent files containing experiments with extracting elements, long-winded documents detailing the exact compounds used and in what way to produce certain chemicals or effects.. The measurements of ingredients and the effects on them were overlooked or heavily boiled down for simplicity's sake, BUT, the ingredients themselves, and the materials used to produce them, should ALL be authentic and real.

Granted, some of these documents were very old.. And some were very new.. There were and are more than one ways to produce nearly every compound, element, and material in this mod.. I simply studied one, and chose one. I openly invite any real-world chemists or enthusiasts out there to seek me out on discord, and let me know if any of the reactions, ingredients used, or processes I've created in this mod are blatantly wrong, or if there is some far-easier method for enacting them available. 



This mod is NOT automation friendly.. Not every, if only a few of the various machines have input or output slots. So if you're a fan of automation, this mod will probably severely annoy you. This IS the very first minecraft mod I've ever made and completed, and thus many of the design choices will likely stand out as oblong or just plain nonsensical. I very likely will not "fix" the way this mod is designed, and its current design will remain as-is. This mod was as much a learning experience for me as it was an official project.


Official Guide File for my mod (I couldn't find a "spoiler" function to put it here, and it doesn't let you upload .txt files, only pictures.

CONTACT INFO-----------
Discord: .squishybrick

You can come to me directly for bug reports, questions, criticisms, or if you'd just like a friend, or someone to play the mod with.

.. Here's hoping I did everything correctly, enjoy the mod!

Minecraft mod files
periodiccraft-1.0.0-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 09/13/2024 - 16:50   File size: 6.94 MB

Current Version: 1.00----------

Mod created.

Currently Unused compounds: Phenol, Sodium Fluoride, Sodium Phosphate, Calcium Phosphate
Currently Unused Materials: Phosphoric Acid [Bulk]