Planty Ores.

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         Bauxite Ore.

                      You can make vanilla tools and armors.

          Uranium Ore

                         You can make vanilla tools and armors.

            Silver ore.

                            You can make vanilla tools.

           Sodalite Ore.

                             You can make vanilla tools and armors.

              Bronze Ore.

                              You can make vanilla tools.

               Pyrite Ore.

                              You can make Axe and Pickaxe.

               Pollen Ore.

                               You can make vanilla tools.

                 Bronze Ore.

                               You can make Axe and Mace.

                   Desh Ore.

                              You can make vanilla tools and apple.

                    Purple Titanium Ore.

                              You can make vanilla tools and armors.

                   Toxic Resin Ore.

                              You can make bricks stairs slab chilsed brick.

                   Tin Flower.

                               You get tin from Chrome Forest from tin flower.You can make Brick stairs slab wall.

                   Peat Ore.

                           You can make Brick stairs slab wall.

                     Beeswax Forest and Ore.

                           You get beeswax ore in beeswax forest.You get Beeswax Wood in beeswax forest.You can make vanilla tools.

                     Yellow Copper Ore.

                              You make Yellow Copper Obsidian with yellow copper and flint and yellow copper.You can go Yellow Biome.

                       Dark Ichor Comets.

                               You get dark ichor in Dark Ichor Forest in woods of tree there is Dark Ichor Comets.You can make Mace and Bricks stairs slab.

                        Flame Sphere Ore.

                               You can make vanilla tools and New Weapon Crusher.

                         Argatium Ore.

                                 You can make Mace.

                           Modrid Ore

                          You can make Apple and Brick.

                           Ichor Ore.

                          You can make vanilla tools and brick stairs slab wall.


Minecraft mod files - palntyores Uploaded on: 11/25/2024 - 10:29   File size: 1.07 MB