screenshot multimod
In this there is a bug in the diamond dimension, in some structures. There is a new mineral: multi ingot. You can craft the multi sword, the multi axe, the multi pickaxe, the multi
shovel and in 0.0.3 it's going to be the multi hoe . There also is the multi block
I correct the bugs, only the multi armour protection is like the diamond armour. The diamond dimension and the structures work correctly.
has new items and blocks! Fire, air, water swords, axes, pickaxes... And armors!!!!! You can craft the epic natural sword!!
harders craftings. mineral ingot, mineral block, and multi fragment: i uploaded the craftings in images
lapis craft: transform diamond block in 2 lapiz block
redston craft: transform diamond block in 2 redstone block
iron craft: transform diamond block in 2 iron block
you can find the craftings in this link https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/multimod/screenshots
you can find the craftings in this link https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/multimod/screenshots