Welcome to FeverDream Frenzy. A mod here to do what other mods have done, be weird. Inspired by mods such as Creeps and Weirdos, trying to just be a goofy little experience. But unlike Creeps and Weirdos, this mod has more progression and unification among features, with everything being intwined, from as simple as two species fighting, to the god-like entity that created all of the weirdness. This mod includes 30+ advancements as of now, as well as many bosses for you to face. Along with a new WACKY biome to explore.
Please do remember this mod is still in development, and may not be completely stable due to bugs.
The mod itself is based around unpredictability, to not know what you'll find while playing. It isn't meant for a serious or immersive experience, but simply for a fun one. If you are someone who is a fan of weird and wacky adventures, this mod is the perfect thing for you! Along with advancements, there is a good bit of progression in this mod, being able to use the same item for different things. This mod has a bit of everything, from food, to armor, to dungeons.
So, what all does this mod include? Well, let's start with the mobs.
Juanathans are short little guys, spawning in dark places especially in the Wacky Woods biome. These guys are very fast, and attack players, Wacky Warriors, and Wacky Guards. Upon death, Juanathans drop fries, which can be used to make a very fast shovel, and or eaten.
Wacky Warrior:
Wacky Warriors are only found in the Wacky Woods, and are neutral towards the player. They wield a Wacky Blade, which does low damage, yet never breaks. As mentioned before, Wacky Warriors fight Juanathans (and usually win).
Wacky Guard:
Wacky Guards, unlike their fellow Wacky Warriors, attack the player on sight. Covered in Wacky Armor, these are the Piglin Brutes of the Wacky Warriors. Only found within The Great Wack Tree, these wacky people guard their treasure.
Widers, are strange flying spiders found within the Wacky Woods. They are passive, and merely fly about without a thought. Killing them (although I don't know why you would) will make them drop their meat. Uncooked, it's pretty bad, but when cooked, they are quite good to satisfy your hunger.
Cheese Monkey:
Oh boy, the Cheese Monkey. This ain't just your everyday mob, for the Cheese Monkey is a boss. Found in a Cheese Temple, you'll have to break the Cheese Altar in order to summon it. The monkey is quite slow, but will have the help of Molten Cheese Cubes. Getting too close to the Cheese Monkey, may cause it to regurgitate out more of those cheesy little cubes, if you aren't careful you will be overwhelmed. Upon death, the Cheese Monkey will drop Hyper Cheese, of which can either be eaten, or used to craft Cheddar Grenades.
Molten Cheese Cube:
Summoned by the Cheese Monkey, these guys are easy to avoid alone, but not so much in groups.
The Ent of The Great Wack Tree:
Yet another boss, this bad boy is found at the top of The Great Wack Tree. Unlike the Wacky Guards protecting their loot, the Ent is here to protect the tree. You cannot damage the Ent by normal means, but the trap wood scattered across the arena and throughout the tree, sure can damage the Ent. Upon taking damage however, the Ent will call upon swarms of Wack Seeds, to aid it in battle. On it's death, it will drop the Wacky Acorn, either used to craft trap wood, or to plant a Great Wack Tree in your own back yard! (If your backyard is big enough that is)
Wack Seed:
Summoned by The Ent of The Great Wack Tree, these little seeds are quite fast, and are not affected by trap wood.
Now of course there are quite a few items and blocks in here, such as The Dirt Cleaver, or Wack Stone. But I think it'll be better for you yourself to see them. If this mod peaks your interest, please do download to support it, and maybe one day, the greatness of a weird Minecraft mod may strike the Earth again.
Scared of clowns? I hope not, cause we're going to the circus! Jokes (see what I did there) aside, a new update has arrived (hey, that rhymed!). Here's is what it includes
-Fixed crafting recipes for Ancient Bricks, now letting you actually craft them
-Added Silly Stone, found in the Nether
-Added Clowns, spawned with a Clown Spawner
-Added a new Boss, the Laugh Wagon
-Added a new mount, the Depression Wagon
-Added a music disc
-Added The Circus structure
-Added Clown blockset
And that's about it. Might make some laugh and chuckle, others, well not so much. Either way, this update is one of the most unique so far, but then again, every update is. I hope you enjoy!
Update on the 12th, my birthday!