Ancithium Mod

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My Discord user (and name in most platforms): @jasonpegasus


This small mod adds a new way to understand Netherite, and squeeze the full potential of the ancient material to its peak.

The only thing they fear is you.



The Ancithium is the "pure form" of Netherite. By itself, Netherite is an alloy composed of impure Ancithium (Ancient Debris) and Gold. By this we can assume that piglins on their times weren't able to manage the Ancithium metal alone thanks to its incredible weight and hardness, so alloying it with Gold was the best idea for being able to smith it into armors and weapons, and being able to wear/use them without getting squeezed by its weight, sacrifying protection... But we aren't piglins, we are STEVE, and as steve we can do anything! So, there's no need of making Netherite anymore, and we can just use the pure Ancient Debris AKA. Ancithium. Sadly, theres a very small ammount of Ancithium left in ancient debris thanks to the level of impurities that the Nether has, so it will be a whole journey to just get a whole set of this unique material.



Ancithium Remnants:

The remnants of the actual material in the wrongly named Netherite Scrap. They're obtained by rightclicking

a lava cauldron having Netherite Scrap in the main hand, with a 50% chance of failing and losing it.


Ancithium Ingot:

Pretty self explainatory, the main item for making the rest of crafts, like if it were a regular ingot.

Its obtainable by crafting it using 9 Ancithium Remnants.


Ancithium armor:

This armor is the main attraction of the mod, being insanely protective with exchange of the player speed. 

It has the same protection level as Diamond Armor, but once the full set is fully equipped, the armor will

grant the follow Effects: Fire resistance, Resistance III, Heaviness, Slowness II.

Heaviness is a new effect made for specifically this armor, preventing bypassing the slowness effect by

clamping the player's horizontal forces to 0.1, so jumping will no longer save you from slowness! Even

less, jumping will be way slower than walking on ground if you have speed effect.

The Ancithium armor isn't meant to be used in constant gameplay but in specific situations (PvP, boss, dungeon).

Its crafted like any other armor in the game, using the Ancithium Ingots.




Ancithium Sword:

In escense the same thing as a Netherite Axe (Same stats), slow and punchy,

but with the benefit of having a sword sweeping attack. Crafteable normally.


Ancithium Pickaxe:

This pickaxe is specifically made to mine hard materials. It's speed is slower/similar than a diamond pickaxe due to its weight,

but its extremely fast with hard materials like for example obsidian, iron blocks/furniture, anvils, Ancithium Blocks


Ancithium Block:

Extra hard and explosion immune block made of 9 Ancithium Ingots. Use it to presume your richness to your friends!

It also gives a Speed and jump Boost. Its easly broken by Ancithium Pickaxe.

Fun Fact: the texture was made with Netherite Armor parts!



Minecraft mod files
ancithiummod-0.5.0-neoforge-1.21.1.jar Uploaded on: 12/22/2024 - 23:22   File size: 73.72 KB

Honestly i really wanted to prevent the typical "ore mod kit" so in the beginning there wasn't even gonna be a sword or pickaxe, but the original ideas for them and the fact that they aren't "linear upgrades" to netherite made me add them. the thing is that i don't find any useful idea for axe, shovel or hoe to not make them just "linear upgrades". if you have any idea tell me (preferibly on discord cuz i dont look here so often).