Will's Hedgehogs!

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GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
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Will's Hedgehogs!



📖 About 📖


Will's "Hedgehogs!" is built to add adorable and functional hedgehogs to the game. It also includes new functions for existing tames, new armor, and new utility items.

This mod was made to be a fun experience for all users. If you do enjoy what I have created, consider supporting me and my future work!


Support me on Ko-Fi



🛠️ Features 🛠️



Small, prickly creatures that have a taste for small insects, arachnids, and sweet berries. When tamed, hedgehogs will use their foraging abilities to ocassionally dig up items for their owners. They also love eating sweet berries, passively harvesting any nearby bushes that are ripe. Hedgehogs drop quills which can be used in crafting recipes, as well as dropping electrified quills when struck by lightning.

Hedgehog Subspecies

Hedgehogs come in a variety of forms, including

  • Buttercup Hedgehog

     found in biomes: forest, flowered forest, birch forest

     Buttercup Hedgehog

  • Smokey Hedgehog

     found in biomes: forested tundra, spruce forest, old growth spruce

     Smokey Hedgehog

  • Strawberry Hedgehog

     found in biomes: cherry blossom

     Strawberry Hedgehog

  • Cocoa Hedgehog 

     found in biomes: savannah, windswept savannah

     Cocoa Hedgehog

  • Amethyst Hedgehog

     found in biomes: lush caves

     Amethyst Hedgehog


🧰New Utility Items!

New items have been added to give some options between utility and power for the player in the early and mid game!

  • Pet Brush

     When used on tamed animals, grants brushed pet temporary beneficial effects. Has the chance to drop either Fur or Quills. The item drop depends on the species.

     Pet Brush Crafting Recipe

     Item Drops

     Fur - Wolves, Cats

     (4 Fur can be crafted into wool)

     Quills - Hedgehogs

     (Quills can be used for Quilled Chestplates and to replace Flint in the arrow recipe)

     Amethyst - Amethyst Hedgehogs
    (Amethysts can be used in place of flint on an arrow to craft Spectral Arrows)

  • Quilled Chestplate

     When worn, grants moderate armor (around chainmail tier) and causes recoil damage to attackers.


  • Glimmersight Goggles

     Provides zero amor to the wearer, but grants Night Vision II to the wearer.








Multiple secret hedgehogs exist, currently all inspired by Sonic characters. These are only spawned with custom names and will not spawn naturally. If you don't wish to encounter them, you never will! They are entirely optional.

  • Secret Hedgehog #1

     Spawned with the names: Sonic, sonic


  • Secret Hedgehog #2

     Spawned with the names: Shadow, shadow


  • Secret Hedgehog #3

     Spawned with the names: Metal, metal, Metal Sonic, metal sonic

     Metal Sonic

  • Secret Hedgehog #4

     Spawned with the names: Silver, silver





🧩 Compatability 🧩


Will's "Hedgehogs!" functions with addons like Just Enough Items and with animal expansions like Critters and Companions and Naturalist.
Currently "Hedgehogs!" does not work with Shaders. Oculus and Sodium shader forks cause Error 1 on startup. This is due to shaders changing how models are rendered. These alterations to Minecraft's rendering cause hedgehog animations to not play properly and equipment models to display improperly. While the mod is functional with optifine, it is highly reccomended you enjoy the mod experience without shaders. 




⚖️ Copyright ⚖️


2025, Willosaurusrex
You can use the Mod to create Addons or modifications requiring the mod, but you can't modify our mod and claim it as yours.
GNU General Public License v3.0


Modification files
williams_hedgehogs-1.0.0-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 02/10/2025 - 04:14   File size: 1.85 MB

Release Version! Please report any bugs or errors you discover. More detail is better to help patch these!

Current known issues:

  • Incompatible with Oculus, Sodium, and Sodium Forks
  • Visual glitches with Optifine, but functional (animation and model errors)