This Mod Requires Geckolib!
This mod adds Figure from the popular Roblox game, DOORS! Some additional stuff has been added too, like the Crucifix and the Alarm Clock.
The Alarm Clock is used to distract Figure. When you place it, it will take 5 seconds for it to start ringing. Figure will always go for the clock if there's one nearby.
The Crucifix can be used to stun Figure. Just right click him and watch it happen. It won't remove him from the world, but he will stay there for a little.
Added Figure
Added Alarm Clock
Added Crucifix
Added New Achievements
Made Crucifix and Alarm Clock To Be Able To Be Found in Chests And Other Loot Tables
Lowered Figures Detection Range
Raised Figures Spawn Rate
Fixed Loot Tables Giving Too Many Crucifixes And/Or Alarm Clocks
Upgraded Figures AI