A Shop Icon
Now with a guide book, requires Patchouli (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/patchouli)
Allows for creation of a Shop with a GUI, adds a currency, commands and an editor GUI to help with creating your custom Shop (the commands should have a correct permision levels), here is a list of those
- /USAddBalance (adds money for target player)
- /USCreateTierIncreaser (Create a Tier Increaser (an item that set a shop tier for the player that uses it))
- /USList (list the items you can buy or sell)
- /USOpenEditor (opens th editor GUI)
there is also an item that opens the shop as GUI on right click (US Buyer) crafted with 7 iron and 2 glass and a item that opens th Sell menu (US Seller) crafted by converting the other item, as well a constant buyer block for automation.
NEW WARNING: the mod is still in active development so things might and probably will break so be careful and make backups
PS: taking requests on things to add just leave a comment and I'll let you know if I will or won't, can or can't add your suggestion
PS2: please report bugs and crushes in the comments I will try to fix any as long as you provide enough inforamtion
- fixed tier increaser ont working (opps)