gervacc's RPG

Published by gervacc on
Upvotes: 2
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  • Gervacc's RPG is a mod that adds mobs, structures, biomes, weapons, armor, accessories and bosses, changing the progression of basic Minecraft and the game experience.
    The mod adds new mobs for the biomes, most of which will have a special drop to create new items in addition to adding accessories that will grant benefits to the player when wearing them such as invisibility, slow fall, weariness, etc.
    There will also be new materials such as ruby ​​to make accessories and blocks and dark iron to create soul. there are 3 new structures:
    -fallen complex: a giant labyrinthine cube that is generated in the underground with a new mob and where you will get the materials for the accessories as well as great loot.
    -the ruined laboratory: a 5-story laboratory that will be generated in the snowy biomes in which new robotic mobs will open which will give us their components to create a workbench and improve our weapons.
    -prismarine ruin: a small structure will appear in the ocean and which will have a new enemy, the prismarine monolith, of which there will be 2, this mob being very difficult but with its materials we can create a new, very powerful shield.
  • This mod requires curios api and gecko lib
Minecraft mod files
gervaccs_rpg 0.1.0-neoforge-1.21.1.jar - BETA 0.1 Uploaded on: 02/27/2025 - 15:34   File size: 1.06 MB
gervaccs_rpg-0.1.1-neoforge-1.21.1.jar - BETA 0.1 with changes Uploaded on: 02/27/2025 - 20:05   File size: 1.06 MB
gervaccs_rpg-0.1.2-neoforge-1.21.1.jar - BETA 0.1 with changes 2 Uploaded on: 02/27/2025 - 23:44   File size: 1.06 MB
gervaccs_rpg-0.1.3-forge-1.20.1.jar - BETA 0.1 port to 120.1 Uploaded on: 03/30/2025 - 01:06   File size: 1.1 MB