Bob Cros Universe

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In development
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Welcome to my mod this is all about Gems, Steven Universe and ME

Some Stuff Im Going to Add

  • Moon Demension
  • HomeWorld Demension
  • Cluster Boss
  • The 4 Diamonds Mobs
  • The Crysteal GEMS
  • My Friends Collin, Danny, Jake, Bean and Alot of others





Added Bean, Evil Bean and Goat Mob

Added  Biome RainbowLand

Added Bean Armor

Added Bean Head, Rainbow Stone, Rainbow Cobbelstone, Rainbow Glass and Rainbow Brick (Blocks)

Fixed Steven and Rose Mob

Bugs: Mobs will lag and not move and Steven Some Reason does not have a shirt




added Jasper, Rose, Steven, Ruby and Amethyst Mobs

Added Biome Kindergarten and Water

Added Steven's Shirt

Added Jasper, Rose and Amethyst Gem, Armor, Sword, Block, Brick and Ore

Added Rose Pickaxe

Added Ruby Gem, Ore, Block and Brick

Added Lava Brick

Added Kitchen Floor

Added Amethyst Pumkin

Fixed Collin's Drops

Bugs: Steven and Rose Mobs



Added all the diamonds armors and Collins too

Fixed Collin's Skin



Modification files
bob_cros_universe_1.0.3.jar - Bob Cros Universe 1.0.3 (NEW VERSION) Uploaded on: 08/19/2016 - 16:35   File size: 500.81 KB
bob_cros_universe_1.0.2.jar - Bob Cros Universe 1.0.2 (Old Bersion) Uploaded on: 08/12/2016 - 17:04   File size: 447.89 KB
bob_cros_universe_1.10.jar - Bob Cros Universe 1.0.1 (Old Version ) Uploaded on: 08/12/2016 - 02:16   File size: 245.53 KB
bob_cros_universe.jar - Bob Cros Universe 1.0.0 (Old Version) Uploaded on: 08/13/2016 - 15:11   File size: 164.86 KB

Hey. I just want you what to change on the mod:

First, you should make custom models for entities of the mobs, not biped to look like the original show.
Second, maybe you should make custom models for the items, just because to look way better.
Third, don't make gems (as mobs) spawn naturally so it does not ruin everything.

Now this Mod is Different than from the last version kinda starting over