Ecnanos' More Armor & Tools Mod

Published by RedRaptor5 on
Upvotes: 3
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In development
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NOTICE: 1.4.0 has been released:
- Added compatibility with Minecraft version 1.14.4.


NOTICE: 1.3.2 has been released fixing the following bugs:
- All armor models displayed as citrine armor while on player or armor stand

NOTICE: 1.3.1 has been released fixing the following bugs:
- Citrine and Obsidian armor sets were previously uncraftable in Survival Mode
- All armor sets' chestplates now are listed as such (e.g. "Lapis Lazuli Body" is now properly listed as "Lapis Lazuli Chestplate")
- Emerald armor set is now listed as "Emerald Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots" instead of "EmeraldArmor Helmet/Body/Leggings/Boots"


Introducing Ecnanos' (formerly known as RedRaptor5's) "More Armor & Tools Mod!", a mod that adds eight extra varieties of armor and tool crafting recipes for various materials! You can now create sets of armor and tools out of:

  • Pink Diamond
  • Redstone 
  • Citrine
  • Emerald 
  • Prismarine
  • Lapis Lazuli 
  • Obsidian 
  • Wood (armor only)  


Mod version 1.4.1 coming soon!

Planned features coming soon in version 1.4.1 of the mod:

  • Amethyst Armor & Tools 
  • Granite Armor & Tools 
  • Diorite Armor & Tools 
  • Andesite Armor & Tools 
  • Armor durability and protection bugfixes (if necessary)
  • Tool durability bugfixes (if necessary)

Screenshots of the mod:

(Almost) all items displayed in item frames





Benefits of each armor set:

  • Wood - Provides a cheap alternative to iron or chainmail armor without having to kill those adorable little horses and cows for leather 
  • Pink Diamond - It's diamond... but pink ;D 
  • Redstone - Sturdier than stone, but flimsier than iron, redstone armor and tools are good for getting decent enchantments while still at a low level of xp, and have slightly more durability than lapis lazuli.
  • Citrine - A comfortable middle ground between iron and diamond armor and tools, citrine armor also contains a little umph of toughness, a trait usually found in only diamond armor (0.5 toughness).
  • Emerald - A sort of sibling to citrine armor and tools, emerald is the weaker of the two, possessing the same attack and protection values while possessing less durability (but hey, green's pretty fancy, ain't it?) 
  • Prismarine - If you don't feel like searching for minerals, look no further than prismarine armor and tools, which can be made from prismarine crystals farmed from the oogly booglies in the ocean! Feel free to create your own version of Atlantis and have a set of armor and tools to match the theme!
  • Lapis Lazuli - Slightly less durable than redstone armor and tools, lapis lazuli armor and tools make up for what they lack in durability with *extreme* enchantability, meaning you can get the best enchantments with the lowest cost to your precious levels 
  • Obsidian - Barely less durable and powerful than diamond and pink diamond, obsidian is a more easily accessible material for a fairly hardy set of armor and tools, only requiring some lava and water to create; change a single block of obsidian into 9 obsidian ingots, which are used to make this dark-colored set

Thanks for reading this page; it'd be greatly appreciated if you were to download the mod. If you do, I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to email me about any suggestions or bugs you find at Thanks again!


Minecraft mod files
Ecnanos' More Armor & Tools Mod [1.14.4] {1.4.0}.jar Uploaded on: 11/26/2019 - 05:50   File size: 429.11 KB
Ecnanos' More Armor & Tools Mod [1.12.2] {1.3.2}.jar Uploaded on: 10/27/2019 - 04:18   File size: 339.06 KB
Ecnanos' More Armor & Tools Mod [1.12.2] {1.3.1}.jar Uploaded on: 10/06/2019 - 16:34   File size: 339.3 KB
Ecnanos' More Armor & Tools Mod [1.12.2] {1.3}.jar Uploaded on: 06/21/2019 - 01:39   File size: 575.84 KB

NOTICE: 1.3.2 has been released fixing the following bugs:

- All armor models displayed as citrine armor while on player or armor stand

NOTICE: 1.3.1 has been released fixing the following bugs:

- Citrine and Obsidian armor sets were previously uncraftable in Survival Mode

- All armor sets' chestplates now are listed as such (e.g. "Lapis Lazuli Body" is now properly listed as "Lapis Lazuli Chestplate")

- Emerald armor set is now listed as "Emerald Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots" instead of "EmeraldArmor Helmet/Body/Leggings/Boots"

Very Very cool Mod! It adds all the now needed Armors from Vanilla Recources. Thank you! Pleas take this in 1.15.2! Or can I take your Mod and convert it with MCreator in 1.15.2? I can also link to your Mod! Is it ok or will you do it?

(sorry for my bad english. I am coming from German)

Redid all the textures 1.14 style and will be uploading before the end of June! Stay tuned for more information!

NOTE: Mod version 1.3 Won't be out until August 1st (I promise); lots of things have been going on lately and I just haven't had the time to roll out new updates. Sorry for any inconvenience!

The wood armor looks cool to test out. :P Gonna download. Also Prismarine armor is a very original idea. I like it.

@#4 use this website for uploading images to the internet, then copy the direct like and copy it into the like spot in the picture adder thing

Here's a Video :D =

RedRaptor5! Made a video of your mod!

i love the wood armor, i always thought that it was needed in normal minecraft!

Looks like a really cool mod. I don't think I've ever seen primaries used that way. Very original. :)