This mod adds a block which is simple obtain. Once having it, you can place it in the world and right-click. Once you have done this it will open up a GUI.
This mod is heavily inspired by the Advanced Mob Spawner by Polople1234. Sadly, the AMB mod has not been updated since 1.6.4 --> https://mcreator.pylo.co/modification/5491/advanced-mob-spawner
This mod is requires holding the specific items to spawn specific mobs. Unlike the MBA mod, that uses Textfield which typing in the ID of the Mob spawns a Mob.
Due to the new GUI algorithim. It has been very dificult to make a more easy way on spawning mobs.
Feel free to use this mod in your modpack but dont forgot to leave credit to mcreator and me thanks.
Bat - Apple
Chicken - Feather
Cow - Beef
Mooshroom - Mushroom Stew
Pig - Carrot
Rabbit - Rabbit Hide
Sheep - Wheat
Squid - Dye
Villager - Emerald
Cave Spider - Spider Eye
Enderman - Ender Pearl
Polar Bear - Raw Fish
Spider - String
Zombie Pigman - Gold Nugget
Blaze - Blaze Rod
Creeper - Gunpowder
Endermite - Eye of Ender
Ghast - Tear
Guardian - Primsarine Shard
Magma Cube - Magma Cream
Shulker - End Fruit
Silverfish - Clay
Skeleton - Bow
Slime - Slimeball
Witch - Potion
Zombie - Rotten Flesh
Horse - Leather
Ocelot - Cooked Fish
Wolf - Bone
Iron Golem - Iron
Snow Golem - Snowball
Known bugs:
Spamming the SPAWN button will cause the game to Crash!