komodo dragons

Published by Applesoda on
Upvotes: 9
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this mod adds komodo dragons in the game which spawn in following biomes:


shattered savvana

savvana plautu

shattered savvana plautu



they spawn lonely or with another komodo dragon

komodo dragons are aggressive to chickens and rabbits but wont attack other mobs until they attack them

when killed will drop 0-3 reptile hide

komodo dragons are classed as mobs that means that they wont let you lead them and they will despawn in peaseful difficaulty



breading komodo dragons is different than normal breading. you need some raw beef in order to bread them

right click with you beef to bread them but you only need one komodo dragon for breading. most of the time komodo dragon will

just eat the beef. but there 0.3 chance of that komodo dragon will spawn another one. there are no babies in beta 2.1.1

but in 2.1.2 and newer baby komodo dragons are added(this feature is added in beta 2.1.1)

this feature is buggy at creative mode


baby komodo dragons

they wont spawn

in order to get them you need to bread a komodo dragon

baby komodo dragons are classed as creature that means that you can lead them and wont despawn at peaceful difficaulty

baby komodo dragons cant grow they own self you need to feed them some raw beef to grow

this feature is added in v2.1.2


reptile hide

can be used to create reptile armor


reptile armor

this armor has the same armor value as chainmail armor. can be crafted using reptile hide



fill free to create mod packs and addons for this mod



please comment so I can know how peoples feel about this mod

also comment what you want me to add


curse forge link



Minecraft mod files
komodo dragon 1.12.2 v2.0.0.jar Uploaded on: 08/11/2020 - 10:38   File size: 257.76 KB
komodo dragon 1.12.2 v2.1.jar Uploaded on: 08/13/2020 - 08:02   File size: 271.94 KB
komodo dragon 1.12.2 v2.1.1.jar Uploaded on: 08/14/2020 - 07:51   File size: 275.99 KB
komodo dragon 1.12.2 v2.1.2.jar Uploaded on: 08/14/2020 - 09:49   File size: 287.64 KB


first release


changed komodo dragon model and texture


recoded the mod

re added the komodo dragon

komodo dragon now has a darker texture, cute eyes, better model and they are now a lot bigger

the mod is no longer created using mcreator

im just putting this files in here so mcreator dudes can also see it


re added reptile hide and armor

reptile hide armor is now less op

changed the texture of komodo dragon


fixed a bug that you couldn't craft reptile hide armor

komodo dragons are now breadble but in a different way


added baby komodo dragons

i want to bread the komodo dragon but i cant find bread crumbs or egg yolk /j

Could I use this in a modpack??? Also nice mod :)
The modpack will be almost all mcreator mods.

Nice mod, the komodo dragon looks cute but if you added more details to the texture (like scales) and made it a little bit darker it would look a lot better :)