/GM Command

Published by mrfunn1 on
Upvotes: 2
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This mod allows the player to change their gamemode with a command with a maximum amount of charters of 4. this allows the player to do this very quickly in a tight situation such as a creeper that is about to kill you and you type in /GMC this will change you to creative etc.




 /gmc  Switch the players gamemode into creative
 /gms Switch the players gamemode into survival
/gmsp Switch the players gamemode into spectator
/gma Switch the players gamemode into adventure


Minecraft mod files
gm_command_mod.jar - /gm command mod v1.0 (1.12.2) Uploaded on: 01/18/2018 - 01:31   File size: 138.91 KB

It's not forbidden, they just suggest that you don't make mods like these due to it being "less desirable". They say:"Alongside prohibited content as described in our Terms of use, there are some other types of mods that are in MOST CASES not allowed on our website due to low added value and the number of such mod types:" I do not believe this would apply to this mod, as it has received good ratings from the community, and people genuinely enjoy it. Think of it more like a QOL mod for people who don't enjoy typing out longer commands. Depending on if there's another mod that does the exact same thing, but adds more to the game, then this mod might be taken down, due to it being less original, and therefore less desirable.