Upvotes: 0
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Supported Minecraft versions
What does the mod add? 2 new dimensions A new drink -Vodka -Wine 4 new ores: Adamantium -genereted in end Crystal -generated in Nether and end Jukutum -generated in the ordinary world Ruby ore -Generate in new dimensions New armor New tools -Sword of adamantium -Kilof adamantium -Adamantium ax and the Amdanatium shovel -Crystal Sword -Crystal Spear - Obsidian Sword -screw sword -wooden spear -Lion Sword -Crocodile Sword -emerald spear you can also use crystals to create magic wands -Storms -TNT -Time New biomes new mini boss
Minecraft mod files
CrystalMod V2.10 PRO.2.jar - Improved portal textures, new biomes and more creative tabs
Uploaded on: 02/20/2021 - 18:00 File size: 2.34 MB
CrystalMod V2.10+_1.jar - New Mini boss- Jan Paweł 2
Uploaded on: 02/19/2021 - 13:47 File size: 2.29 MB
V2.10 PRO - Ulepszone tekstury portali, nowe biomy i bardziej kreatywne zakładki
V2.10 + - Nowy mini boss. Pojawia się losowo w nowym biomie * papeus *. Ma 150 HP i zadaje 40 punktów obrażeń.
(postać inspirowana polskimi memami)
mod descriptions have to be in english
also, some textures are not that good. especially the portals. not to be rude, but it hurts my eyes looking at them, so you should make better ones.