Version 1.5
Mod is created by Qrai in january 2019.It taked about 1month to make this mod.I will be happy if u enjoy my mod.
Mod is adds so much ores,blocks,items,etc to your world.You can play with this mod in survival mode,all of items is can be obtained or crafted.
I recommend you to use NEI & JEI when you play with CaveCraft in survival mode.Using NEI you can see all recipes.
-Ores and Materials
Jade isnt a rare ore,is a common.Used in crafts.
You can craft Jade Sword,Pickaxe,Axe,Armor,Bricks,Stone.
Using Jade Bricks you can make a portal to Jadeland dimension.
Amethyst isnt a very rare ore,is a uncommon.Used in crafts.
You can craft Amethyst Sword,Pickaxe,Axe,Armor,Planks
Using Amethyst Planks you can make a portal to Amethystland dimension.
Endorium is a rare ore.Used in crafts.
You can craft Endorium Sword Tier 1,Sword Tier 2,Sword Tier 3,Pickaxe,Axe,Armor,Refined Ingot.
Georium isnt a rare ore,is a uncommon.Used in crafts.
You can craft Georium Sword,Pickaxe,Axe,Armor.
Aquafiorum isnt a rare ore,is a uncommon.Used in crafts.
You can craft Aquafiorum Sword,Pickaxe,Axe,Armor.
Bluorium isnt a rare ore,is a uncommon.Used in crafts.
You can craft Bluorium Sword,Pickaxe,Axe,Armor.
Darkor is rare ore.Used in crafts.
You can craft Darkor Sword,Pickaxe,Axe,Armor.
Witorium is rare ore.Used in crafts.
You can craft Witorium Sword,Pickaxe,Axe,Armor.
Porum isnt a rare ore,is a uncommon.Used in crafts.
You can craft Porum Sword,Pickaxe,Axe,Armor.
Turium isnt a rare ore,is a uncommon.Used in crafts.
You can craft Turium Sword,Pickaxe,Axe,Armor.
Killum isnt a rare ore,is a uncommon.
You can use Killum as powerful fuel for your furnace.
12.Yellow Crystal
Yellow Crystal is a rare ore.Used in crafts.
13.Red Crystal
Red Crystal is a rare ore.Used in crafts.
14.Green Crystal
Green Crystal is a rare ore.Used in crafts.
15.Blue Crystal
Blue Crystal is a rare ore.Used in crafts.
16.Purple Crystal
Purple Crystal is a rare ore.Used in crafts.
Crystal is a rare ore.Used in crafts.
18.Prehistoric Bones
Prehistoric Bones Ore is drops 3 Vanilla Bones.
Xomin is very rare ore.Used in crafts
You can craft Xomin Stick,Eye.
Darkum is a common ore in Darkum dimension.Used in crafts.
You can craft Darkum Armor.
Pinkum is uncommon ore in Nether.
You can craft Pinkum Block,Stone,Ice.
1.Fiozus Flower
Fiozus Flower drop Fiozus Dust.
You can transform dust to ore using Dust Transformator.
2.Sebu Flower
Fiozus Flower drop Fiozus Dust.
You can transform dust to ore using Dust Transformator.
3.Aquo Flower
Aquo Flower drop Fiozus Dust.
You can transform dust to ore using Dust Transformator.
4.Zigo Flower
Zigo Flower drop Fiozus Dust.
You can transform dust to ore using Dust Transformator.
5.Gold Grass
Gold Grass is grass,that drops gold nuggets.
To break Gold Grass faster,please use sickles.
6.Magic Wheat Plant
Magic Wheat Plant is drops Magic Wheat.
To break Magic Wheat Plant faster,please use sickles.
using 4 Magic Wheats you can craft Magic Dust.
using Magic dust you can craft Magic Armor and Magic Chainmail Armor.
7.Devil Bush
Devil Bush is bush,that drops devil sticks.
To break Devil Bush faster,please use sickles.
-Other Tools
1.Dust Transformator
You can transform dusts to ores using it,
Place Dust and Transformator to crafting table to transform.
2.Building Hammer
Breaks Building Blocks faster.
3.Block Destroyer
Destroy Blocks with one click.
4.Wood Sickle
Break Gold Grass,Devil Bush,Magic Wheat Plant faster
5.Stone Sickle
Break Gold Grass,Devil Bush,Magic Wheat Plant faster
6.Iron Sickle
Break Gold Grass,Devil Bush,Magic Wheat Plant faster
7.Diamond Sickle
Break Gold Grass,Devil Bush,Magic Wheat Plant faster
To make portal to Jadeland,use Jade Bricks
and Jade Key.
To make portal to Witorlands,use Witor Frame
and Witor Key.
To make portal to Amethystland,use Amethyst Planks
and Amethyst Key.
To make portal to Darkum,use Darkum Blocks
and Darkum Key.
-Useful Blocks
1.World Manager
Using this block you can change time of day and weather in your world.
Place Gold Sand on this block to extract it to gold.
3.Stone Trap
You can trap any mobs using it
4.Cobblestone Trap
You can trap any mobs using it
5.Lighting Striker
When this block has redstone signal,it strikes lighting.
6.Lava Generator
When this block has redstone signal,it generates lava.
7.Water Generator
When this block has redstone signal,it generates water.
8.Redorium Generator
When this block has redstone signal,it generates Redorium fluid.
9.Stone Collector
This block is mines stone/cobblestone/obsidian which is placed down to this block,
and drops is at top.Using this block you can make auto cobbleston generator.
-Other Blocks
1.Pinkum Stone
Stone,but its pinkum.
2.Jade Stone
Stone,but its jade.Can be found in Jadeland
3.Witor Stone
Stone,but its witor.Can be found in Witorlands
4.Darkum Stone
Stone,but its darkum.Can be found in Darkum
5.Amethyst Stone
Stone,but its amethyst.Can be found in Amethystland
6.Jade Grass Block
Grass,but its jade.Can be found in Jadeland
7.Witor Grass Block
Grass,but its witor.Can be found in Witorlands
8.Amethyst Grass Block
Grass,but its amethyst.Can be found in Amethystland
9.Jade Dirt
Dirt,but its jade.Can be found in Jadeland
10.Witor Dirt
Dirt,but its witor.Can be found in Witorlands
11.Amethyst Dirt
Dirt,but its amethyst.Can be found in Amethysland
12.Jade Cobblestone
Cobblestone,but its jade.Can be found in Jadeland
13.Witor Wood Log
Wood Log,but its witor.Can be found in Witorlands
14.Witor Leaves
Leaves,but its jwitor.Can be found in Witorlands
15.Witor Wood Planks
Wood Planks,but its witor.Can be found crafted with Witor Wood Logs
16.Amethyst Wood Planks
Wood Planks,but its amethyst.Can be found in Amethystland
17.Endorium Wood Planks
Wood Planks,but its endorium.Can be crafted with any Wood Planks and Endorium
18.Darkum Sand
Can be found in Darkum Dimension
19.Darkum Block
Can be found in Darkum Dimension
20.Darkum Ore
Can be found in Darkum Dimension
21.Darkum Lantern
Can be crafted with Darkum
22.Magic Lantern
Can be crafted with Magic Dust
23.Gold Sand
Can be found in world
24-34 Colored Stone Bricks
Can be crafted with Stone Bricks Block + dye
34-44 Colored Gravel
Can be crafted with Gravel Block + dye
1.Jade Armor
Can be crafted with Jade
2.Amethyst Armor
Can be crafted with Amethyst
3.Endorium Armor
Can be crafted with Endorium
4.Georium Armor
Can be crafted with Georium
5.Aquafiorum Armor
Can be crafted with Aquafiorum
6.Bluorium Armor
Can be crafted with Bluorium
7.Darkor Armor
Can be crafted with Darkor
8.Witorium Armor
Can be crafted with Witorium
9.Porum Armor
Can be crafted with Porum
10.Turium Armor
Can be crafted with Turium
11.Darkum Armor
Can be crafted with Darkum
12.Wool Armor
Can be crafted with Leather Armor and Wool Balls
Wool Balls can be crafted with 5 Wools
13.Gold Chainmail Armor
Can be crafted with Chainmail Armor and Gold
14.Diamond Chainmail Armor
Can be crafted with Chainmail Armor and Diamond
15.Magic Armor
Can be crafted with Magic Dusts
16.Magic Chainmail
Can be crafted with Chainmail Armor and Magic Dust
If you wanna to check screenshoots,please visit: https://cavecraft4.webnode.com/
I look forward to playing this