Forgotten Dungeons

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Forgotten Dungeons

Welcome to a land, a land of adventure.

Find dungeons, beat bosses and monsters.

Craft powerful equipment.

Get ready for the next dungeon.


Your adventure awaits.






This mod does not only add various types of dungeons,

but also a new material and some new monsters.





Cerion Zombie

Golden Archer

Stone Breaker (Boss)

Shadow Fragment

Shadow Sword

Shadow Armor

5 Different types of dungeons

Old Bricks

Old Mossy Bricks

Soul Light

The Old Book Of Knowledge

Poisonous Flower

4 Achievements

Minecraft mod files
Forgotten Dungeons.jar Uploaded on: 08/02/2019 - 13:42   File size: 527.34 KB

Hi Mirko, I really like your mods and your sense of style. Mystical Biomes is one of my favourite mods and I wanted to add this one too, but I'm finding the poisonous flowers are too numerous. I was on my horse and could barely avoid them! Could you please release a new 1.12 version or alternate version with them removed or much rarer? With MB, I LOVE the biomes but do find they tend to take over the world a bit- would like them to be a bit rarer too. Thanks

Hey darkgreenminer,
thanks for trying out my mods and for the kind words!
I would love to update the mods to newer versions and balance them better, as well as add more to them, but... I have lost the workspace file a couple years ago for all the Forgotten Dungeons and the Mystical Biomes mods, and never managed to recover them. I'm sorry.

I must say though, I am thinking of making a Reborn edition of the Mystical Biomes mod, without using MCreator, as it was a mod I also actually enjoyed.

Thanks again for trying them out :D

That's such a shame that you lost your files. I've been trying to remember to back up my workspaces (Skulls and Monkeys mod). I really loved MB's Ivory Lands and The Old Stone. And also love the achievement music for the Secret Lands too- that's brilliant! I did my first mod in Java but have found that I like how structure's work using MCreator better, especially in the latest versions with the folder hierarchy (I'm sure it can be coded as well, but it's so much easier with MC). When I've updated my 1.16 version, I've been back porting it to my 1.12 too, just because there are so many old mods I love that haven't been updated past 1.12 unfortunately. I look forward to seeing more of your ideas!