Mushroom Quest

Published by Ryukusu on
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Welcome to Mushroom Quest! This mods concept revolves around foraging for various real world fungi while you set forth on an adventure to explore mystical and otherworldly lands. Hope you enjoy my first mod!

Over 130 Mushrooms!

There are exactly 137 mushrooms you can forage for. Each mushroom is either common, rare or mythical rarity. All mushrooms are edible and most can give you either medicinal or deadly effects when eaten. Some mushroom can also be used in crafting recipes or as fuel! You find these mushrooms by breaking various organic structures across the world. 

  • Oak Stumps are found in swamps, roofed and mixed forests.
  • Birch Trunks are found in birch forests.
  • Field Trunks, and Shrumps are found in field biomes and forests.
  • Acacia Stumps are found in tropical biomes especially the savanna.
  • Jungle Trunks are found in jungle biomes.

The Mycopedia is a book that contains information about all the mushrooms! It includes the fungi's: Edibility, Location, Rarity, and Usage. (Currently unusable as of v4.0)

Mushroom Island Renovation!

This mod also adds a whole Mushroom Island biome expansion! There are many new structures, plant life, and creatures! There are structures that contain loot such as decorations, materials, and more! Versions below 3.0 add a lot more to the Mushroom Islands, however they were removed since I wanted the mod to focus more on the mushroom foraging aspect rather than getting carried away.

Some of the creatures you may encounter include:

  • Funglings - Small mushroom creatures that do nothing but look cute. All forms except the Crimson and Warped variations can be found in Mushroom Islands. They cannot be tamed at the moment but will follow players holding a dead bush or warped/crimson roots.

Additional Information:

The Witch Cottage is found in swamps, birch forests, and roofed forests. It contains evil witches and their cats, along with some good, randomized loot! Every Witch Cottage structure is guaranteed to contain a Mushroom Cap!

The Mushroom Cap can be worn by right-clicking with it as long as nothing else is in your head slot. You can only obtain a Blank Mushroom Cap from Witch Cottages, but then you can dye it into various colors. The colors include Red, Yellow, Green, Aqua, Blue, Purple, Pink, and Brown. This hat is purely cosmetic and does not provide any effects.

This mod also contains many new potions, magical items, and gear. There are many, MANY crafting recipes in this mod so it is highly recommended that you use the JEI mod. The discovery of mystical nature is the highlight of this mod, so to influence adventure there is a whole tree of achievements to complete!

Mod Compatibility:

Versions 2.5 and beyond are compatible with other biome mods such as: Biomes O' Plenty, BYG, Traverse Reforged, Autumnity, Atmospheric, Environmental, Druidcraft, Terra Incognita, Spheric, Feywilds, and Bayou Blues. Version 4.1 had to remove some modded biome compatibility.


If you are interested in seeing more of my content then please follow my Twitter account!

Minecraft mod files
MushroomQuest-1.20.1-v4.1.2.jar - NEW Mushroom Quest 1.20.1 - v4.1.2 Uploaded on: 10/08/2024 - 22:52   File size: 1.26 MB
MushroomQuest-1.19.4-v4.1.2.jar - NEW Mushroom Quest 1.19.4 - v4.1.2 Uploaded on: 10/08/2024 - 22:51   File size: 1.26 MB
MushroomQuest 1.19.2 - v4.1.0.jar - Mushroom Quest_v4.1.0_1.19.2 Uploaded on: 04/06/2024 - 22:45   File size: 1.26 MB
MushroomQuest 1.18.2 - v4.1.0.jar - Mushroom Quest_v4.1.0_1.18.2 Uploaded on: 04/06/2024 - 22:44   File size: 1.27 MB

Version 1.1: WITCH-Y UPDATE

  • Added 4 new potions
  • Mortar and Pestle, it is used to make the potions in the crafting table.
  • 5 new mushrooms
  • Witch's Mansion and Witch's Urn, this structure is found in roofed forests and swamps. Inside this structure aren't chests but Witch's Urns that drops randomized potion/ alchemy loot. It does contain common, rare and legendary loot, an example of legendary loot is Dragon's Breath.
  • Secret Grotto and Yggdrasil Sapling, the secret grotto generates in birch and regular forests, roofed forests, swamps, and jungles. Within the secret grotto is the Yggdrasil Sapling which is a new organic structure that has a high chance to drop mythical mushrooms and various other special fungi.
  • Glowstool, a tall, glowing mushroom used as decoration.


  • 1 new potion - The Last Resort, only use it if your in a dangerous situation!
  • Charm of Blessings, grants regeneration and fire resistance as well as causing pink spines to fall from the sky around you, impaling surrounding enemies.
  • Redwood Brier, this structure is found in all taiga biomes and contains the Yggdrasil Sapling along with some other cool decor blocks.
  • 4 new mushrooms
  • A whole Advancement tree, contains 10 achievements!


  • 1 new weapon - The Glowshroom Bow
  • 5 new mushrooms - just because.
  • Glowshroom Hollow, this structure is a giant dark oak tree trunk with a secret underground area inside it. It is found in every forest biome except birch. Inside contains all of the glowshroom blocks and some organic structures!
  • Whole bunch of new decoration blocks, added multi-colored glowshrooms, glowstool block, and mushroom stem block.
  • New organic structure - The Shrump, a small mound of dirt and grass that grows in all forests and plain biomes, contains specific mushroom types.
  • 2 new achievements!

Version 1.4: MINOR UPDATE

  • Some bug fixes and minor game play improvements.
  • 3 new mushrooms - Because I decided every update will add more mushrooms, also they don't have any purpose right now but trust me they will.
  • 2 new achievements!

Version 1.5: SPLASH UPDATE

  • Necessary bug fixes so that organic structures no longer duplicate themselves upon breaking, now to fairly retrieve the structure you need to right click it.
  • Added 3 splash potions!


  • A lot of people mentioned there was a problem with the structure spawning and they were right, the spawning ratio was set way higher than I intended so I fixed it so they spawn more rare now.
  • I wanted to try out modeling so I made a new mushroom block and a new mob called the Spore. So originally I wanted to make them both blocks but they turned into big blobs of black and purple as JSON models, however they worked perfectly fine as mob models so they are both actually entities.
  • Along with the new models spawning in Mushroom Islands; ferns, and grasses are added to this biome to give it more life!
  • This will be the last update before the big v2.0 update!!!


  • A whole new Mushroom Island Expansion!
  • New and re-modeled organic structures!
  • New and redone structures/schematics!
  • 1 new boss called the Woodlot Reaper!
  • Added 16 new mushrooms to collect.
  • 17 new blocks and plants.
  • 9 new mobs.
  • 4 new achievements.
  • 2 new tools/weapons


  • Remodeled the Shroomfolk mob
  • Remade the Shroomfolk Village structure
  • Added 3 new armor pieces: The Spewshroom Hat (3 variants)
  • Added stairs, slabs, fences, and trapdoors for Fungal Planks.
  • Adjusted structure spawning
  • Adjusted some elements to acknowledge 1.15.2 aspects

Version 2.2: BUGFIX

  • Fixed a bug where the Spewshroom Hats would delete any helmet the player was currently wearing.
  • Decreased hostile mob spawn rates on the Mushroom Island
  • Decreased the drop rates from Shrumps
  • Added 2 new mushroom, just because :D

Version 2.3: Knowledge Update

  • Increased Mushroom Island structure spawns
  • Added 2 new mushrooms
  • Added the Mycopedia - A guide to all wild fungi!
  • Added Amanita Funglings - they are found in Mushroom Islands and Roofed Forests, and they will follow you when holding their respective mushroom!

Version 2.4: Expansion Update

  • Added 5 new plants/blocks to the Mushroom Island
  • Added Fungal Doors, Fence Gates, and Bookshelves. As well as better Fungal Wood recipes.
  • Added 4 new mobs: The Burrow Worm, Wine Cap Fungling, Morel Fungling, and Chicken Fungling.
  • Some creatures can now be tamed! Creatures are tamed using Alluring Powder, the creatures that can be tamed are: Decomposer, and all the Funglings.
  • Added Growth Meld, a new way to farm for mushrooms and various plants.
  • Some new structures to improve Mushroom Island ambiance.
  • Retextured and remodeled some blocks and items
  • Custom blocks were conflicting with some Shaders, especially Sildurs Enhanced Default. That is now fixed!

Version 2.5: Polishing Update

  • Mod is now compatible with: BOP, OBYG, Autumnity, and Atmospheric!
  • Mycopedia text blurriness and buttons have been fixed!
  • Some mobs now have custom sounds and improved animations!
  • Removed some useless features such as Venom Pulpit, Knellcaps, and the ugly small grass that spawned in some biomes.
  • Some mobs (especially the Woodlot Reaper) got new abilities and stat changes.
  • Added 1 new block/plant: The Fan Fern
  • Added 1 new achievement: Strange Wildlife

Version 3.0: New Era Update

  • Updated to 1.16.4
  • Removed many elements from Mushroom Islands since I wanted the mod to revolve more around mushroom foraging, and I thought I got too carried away. Also, a new mod will be released that compiles my mob concepts like the Woodlot Reaper.
  • Added Crimson and Warped fungling variants.
  • Added Crimson and Warped Tall Fungi
  • Added the Red Mushroom Cap
  • Remodeled and Retextured some elements like the Jack O' Lantern Mushroom block.
  • Fixed some crash reports

Version 3.1: Bug Fixes

  • Updated to 1.16.5
  • Multiplayer server bug where items and blocks didn't show in creative or spawn in the world has been fixed.
  • Mushroom Caps no longer apply negative effects to surrounding entities.
  • Plants such as ferns and koru are now only obtainable through shears.
  • Added more mod compatibility.

Version 3.2: More is Better

  • Made the Shaggy Mane, and Artist Conk mushrooms placeable.
  • Gave more use to the mushrooms by adding new recipes such as Miso Soup.
  • Added various colors to the Mushroom Cap.
  • Retextured a bunch of blocks and items.
  • Added mod compatibility with Terra Incognita, Spheric, Feywilds, and Bayou Blues.
  • Tiny Mushrooms can now be bonemealed into Big Mushrooms.
  • Glowshroom Roots are a bit less buggy but still buggy, you can bonemeal them now in order to get more roots and the glowshroom parts.
  • Removed all the Mushroom Island grasses since they didn't really fit in especially if a texture pack was used.
  • Added more natural structures to forests.
  • Added and improved acheivements.
  • Fixed lots of bugs.

Version 4.0: A New Era!

  • Updated all mushroom and item textures
  • Updated stump and trunk models/textures and spawn rates.
  • Updated Glowshroom models/textures, functionality, and spawn rates.
  • Updated Puffball block model/texture
  • Updated Toadstool to Bouncystool with new block model/texture.
  • Updated Amanita Fungling texture/models.
  • Updated Fungling AI.
  • Updated Warped Fungling texture/model.
  • Removed Sandy Stiltball Mushroom item
  • Added 4 new fungi: Silver Leaf Fungus, Black Velvet Bolete, Bird Nest Fungus, and Dewdrop Bonnet.
  • Removed Verdant Rock and all other tree/plant structures
  • Removed Fae Charm
  • Removed custom potions
  • Removed Spores block
  • Removed Glowstools block
  • Removed Glowshrooms Vines block
  • Removed Witch Urns block
  • Removed Fan, Evergreen Ferns, and Koru plants
  • Removed Mycopedia temporarily
  • Removed and updated structures, new Witch Cottage structure!
  • Structure contents are now randomized
  • Tall Nether Fungi not bonemeal-able
  • Mushrooms now have more uses like crafting into dyes or used as eligible brewing ingredients and some can be used to make Mushroom Stew.
  • Added Mossy Maze Polypore block
  • Added New Food items like Grilled Portobello, and Grilled COTW
  • Updated to 1.18.2
  • Updated biome mod compatibility, now compatible with Regions Unexplored!
  • Added all new achievements.
  • Funglings are no longer tameable, for now

Version 4.1.0 - Touch-Ups!

  • Updated to 1.19.2 and still for 1.18.2
  • Remade log structures and adjusted their spawn rates
  • Removed some conflicting biome compatibility, so blocks may not spawn in some modded biomes anymore.
  • Remade Mycopedia texture, though it is still unusable for now.
  • Adjusted block and plant spawn rates.
  • Organized creative tab inventory.

Version 4.1.1 - Catching Up!

  • Updated to 1.19.4 and 1.20.1
  • Adjusted spawn rates for blocks, plants, mobs, and structures.
  • Made stump and trunk block harvestable with silk touch.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 4.1.2 - Reducing Clutter

  • Adjusted Witch Cottage spawn rates to be rarer.
  • Minor adjustments to block and other structure spawning.

Is there any way for the Funglings to sit so they dont follow you everywhere? Kinda like the cats and dogs because they keep dying on me lmao

sorry i meant "extra, shrump beast-like mobs?" also can they have names like "shrump" and "shrump titan"?

I think the Woodlot reaper should either not be a boss or be less common.

I had to make the spawn rate for them high since the Mushroom Island biome is extremely rare, and normally people only find 1 of these biomes per world. I wanted to make sure people would encounter at least one of these creatures in a normal world, but in a buffet world there would be hundreds.

How long did you spend making this? I know my jojo mod took me a year, but it has nowhere near this amount of items. It has 400ish elements, but this looks like... more.

Nice mod!
I would suggest making item texture equivalents for the fungi to avoid the block model texture showing in inventory as it looks a bit weird

it's need to be the motw again. do a huge update. i got some cool models that i made Myself. Like The Vanilla Mushroom - in 3D. or 3D Saplings (Looks Great - Works With All Kinds of Saplings). even a 3D Command Block! Contact me in tumblr for more info.